
Five months

She noticed our odd silence to her statement so she soon changed her approach. "I meant that no other girl was able to melt his coldness. Beside you."

I wasn't so sure she truly meant that but more as she saved herself before it was too late. She served us the savory pie. I cut the tip with the fork and took a bite. 

"Oh. Thank you. I guess he and I somehow fit well together, our personalities match and we make a great couple." I nodded.

"I visited Manuelito and the farm, you should get there sometimes mom. Plants grew a lot since you first visited it."

She nodded, "maybe we should visit together." She drifted her gaze to me waiting for my answer.

Cameron did the same, so I swallowed down the mouthful and returned to reality since the flow of thoughts distracted me. 

"Yes, we shall. I quite enjoyed visiting it last time."

" That's great then!" She exclaimed, she then covered her mouth with her hand and then excitedly smiled.
