

We continued to chat, the more I spoke to Carol, the more I realized what an amazing person she was and how much her personality and Evelyn's personality fit together in a perfect combination. Where Carol was lacking, Evelyn was filling the gap. I always considered Evelyn a very free spirit who acted with her gut and instinctively rather than thinking if what she was doing was the right thing to do or not.

Carol was strangely the opposite, she was more reasonable just like me, and from what I deduced she overthought her own decisions. She worked in the same place for over 5 years and she even mentioned she was very loyal to that place. Contrary to Evelyn, her entire family and friends knew about her true self, and she cut off her life all the toxic people who dared to judge her or disrespect her.

She seemed an amazing person who I genuinely already liked even if we just met for a few days. 
