
Samuel Kim's "Origins"

News article from the American Weekly Mercury, July 20th, 1776

Displayed at the Kim Memorial, _______.

"... In his letter to Congress and the colonies, Lieutenant General Samuel Kim revealed his background and his family's story.

Shockingly, his past was not filled with luxury or extravagance. Nor was it filled with higher education or military experience.

No, the Hero of Bunker Hill's tale was a much humbler one, if not surprising.

General Kim was born in the Asiatic nation called "Joseon," in a city called "Hanyang." His parents, both of whom were Koreans, were slaves.

The general, who has been lauded as one of the most successful military officers of the Continental Army, was born a slave.

In a desperate quest to escape their life of servitude and give their son a better chance at life, General Kim's parents fled the nation and traversed across entire continents. Both in an attempt to find a better life and to escape any slave hunters from capturing them. After years of travel, they finally managed to arrive in Europe, where they decided to flee to the North American colonies and settle in search of a better life.

Alas, it was not meant to be, for the general's parents perished on their journey to the Americas. By the time he arrived in New York City, he was an orphan at eighteen. Afterward, he traveled across the frontier alone, seeking a place for himself despite his unique appearance. That was until the scepter of Revolution reigned over the colonies. Only then did he return to the coast to establish a new nation that was truly free in both law and spirit.

Knowing his story, we should ask ourselves: Is Samuel Kim a lesser man because his parents were slaves? Or is this despicable institution we call slavery an obstacle that may prevent the next Samuel Kim from rising to lead the colonies?

Should the man be condemned for his past, despite his achievements over the past year? Or should the colonies disavow slavery and give an equal chance for all PEOPLE.

In the end, we, the people must decide. Perhaps in due time, when the war is over, we will have our answer."
