

Today was Chaos in konoha.

After so many year's of peace they witnessed something horrible again.

Once again Konoha was invade by Otutsuki .

Everyone in konoha was depressed , scared either angry , sad .

Today is unlucky day for konoha . everyone in konoha is unhappy. Expect for one person.

When Momoshiki attack on konoha first thing destroyed was battle Arena. in the ruins of Arena Itsuki was watching everything with big smile on his face.

Itsuki put sunglasses . Itsuki turn around and watched other people crying and running left right.

Other Konoha ninja helping them , but Itsuki don't even bother to get up.

Expect for some people's entire arena was empty.

Itsuki was watching pitful look on everyone's face

Akira and Ryujin also come to help people.

Itsuki shock his Head those two are fools I have said them to protect them self and protect their family but they come here truly....idiots .


Itsuki don't know that Sarada was also watching him from the beginning.

Sarada was confused because of Itsuki's behaviour. she was smart even smarter than Sasuke and Sakura combined in her age.

according to her observation Itsuki seems to aware of this attack. he knows from the Beginning even know about Boruto is cheating.

So why don't he tell anyone even his friends helping other but why he is smiling on everyone who are struggling for their life..

It seems like After this she need to talk with Itsuki.....


Fight between Boruto and Momoshiki is getting boring.

Itsuki turn his face and look other direction.

Urashiki just take the sage chakra of Mitsuki .

Itsuki smiled looks like now it's his turn......

Itsuki followed Urashiki , Kazekage and Mizukage.

it's seems like their fight is more interesting than Naruto vs Momoshiki Fight.




Kazekage and Mizukage defeate Urashiki using their Combined Jutsu.

Urashiki is now struggling from break thier Jutsu.

Itsuki smile it's his turn to play now.

Itsuki use his portal ninjutsu and Amenotejikara Jutsu same time and take Urashiki into his dimension.


Urashiki was struggling some time ago suddenly teleport in unknown place.

Urashiki saw pair of red glowing eyes watching him coldly.

Urashiki " who are you...?"

Itsuki " it doesn't matter who am I ...you see I am board from the weak ants they don't give thrill of fight from the long time I was searching for strong opponent now I had found you.."

Urashiki smrink " ..you said you want to fight someone strong are you worth of it "

Itsuki turn on his Rec Rinnegan " Now what do you say ?"

Urashiki shocked how could someone possess Rinnegan even Red Rinnegan like him . he know his Rinnegan is rare amoung the Otutsuki clan that's why he is bit arrogant. As far as he know their are no more decented of Otutsuki clan on earth and only one person posses Rinnegan Uchiha Sasuke so how....who is he....?

Urashiki " who are you ? .. you are not Otutsuki if my guess is current then who are you and why do you have Rinnegan ?"

Itsuki smile " you see I am not Otutsuki but...I am batter than you or anyone who can use chakra. I am such a thing who have achieve that relame you can only dream. "

Urashiki "... that's impossible....

Itsuki " yes for you that's impossible .. even if I said Jogan has appeared again..."

Urashiki " jogan how do you know ..who has jogan"

Itsuki " it doesn't matter who had jogan you will naturally know when you able to escape from here until then let's fight."

Urashiki was little furious person fron of him seems like underestimate him.

As usual Urashiki draw his flexible Chakra Rod on Itsuki.

Before it could touch Itsuki it was already broken by Itsuki's Chakra sword.

Itsuki " this kind of trick's you can use on weak ants I am looking for a good fight now come at me seriously "

Urashiki turn his Red Rinnegan and watched coldly Itsuki.

Itsuki smile he said in low voice " summoning lightning bold."

A large lightning appered from hands of Itsuki and go towards Urashiki.

Urashiki smile " you say you batter than use and you are using this kind Jutsu you know that we can absorb Jutsu...you let me down kid..."

" Zi zi zi zi zi zi " large portion of lightning going towards Urashiki.

Urashiki was going to absorb lightning chakra but when lightning touch his hand it's don't absorb instant it give high voltage shock Urashiki and he cried in pain.

*** aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ****

Itsuki " I have said before I am batter than you in every way.."

Urashiki " why I can't absorb it...."

Itsuki " Rinnegan can only absorb things made by chakra but I am different I can use every Nature Nature without chakra..."

Urashiki eyes Wide open he shout " impossible.."

Itsuki disappear from sight and suddenly appeared behind Urashiki .

Itsuki's hand started glowing Red he stab his hand Urashiki and absorb his chakra including Sage chakra of Mitsuki.

Urashiki " how is that possible you stole my chakra and Sage chakra also..."

Itsuki looked into eyes of Urashiki " you disepoint me Urashiki ... I thought you are strong but you are same as them..... now sleep when you wake you will forget about me and ...."

Urashiki unwilling fall in sleep he don't expect that someone can use Genjutsu against him . Urashiki fall sleep .

Itsuki throw away Urashiki .

Itsuki " what a waste I thought I can fight him good but he is just weak ....I am disepoint In Otutsuki ...

even Momoshiki should batter than him....but it will not good for the plot...."

Itsuki smile he had done good harvest of chakra plus for some time he can watch over Urashiki .

Itsuki just want to know when will Urashiki going in past .



