
First skirmish at the caraven's perimeter

"Control unit reports on duty!" a relatively young man rushed past the doors to the deck of Daniel's mobile headquarters. After him, a group of seven more men and women alike of all ages entered, all instantly heading to their designated spots. 

"Spotter unit reports in!"

"Communication unit reports in!" 

"CQ Unit reports in!"

Bit by bit, the relatively tiny space that Daniel had for himself and Alice alone filled up with people of all sorts of ranks and jobs. 

The entirety of the deck was only around eighty square meters, with eight meters of width and ten meters of length. On its own, the deck made up the entire central part of the massive hover, protected from any potential impact by all the floors around it. 

"Communication, give me a status report!" Daniel ordered as he stepped into his own designated space as well before smashing one of the control buttons located at the control panel to the side of his stand. 
