
Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (6)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"  by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience. Of course, there is a special cameo song, so do play that one for a bit before switching back.**





"Gs-7, we need to head over to Q3, break away, and head over now."

"Copy that Gold-Leader, breaking away and heading to Q3," GS-7 replied as he linked up with the rest of the multi-pilot ships Brance knew were from Episode three of the franchise, a stark contrast to the X-wings and ships he recognized from the later movies. 

Breaking away from the fight, Brance shoved both flight sticks forward and soon reached his top-flight speed with the stabilizers down, but that didn't mean he was out of danger because no sooner than did he head toward Q3 did a large mixed squadron of enemies followed suit.
