
Preparing For The First Regional (1)

  -Reward: You have earned your Second Pair of Wings. Upon Activating your [Nephilim Mode], you can choose either having one pair or two. The Boosts applied by your Mode are doubled for each pair of wings you manifest; however, the duration of activation for your [Nephilim Mode] will be cut in half.-

-Reward2: You have received the title 'Cherub.'-

  -Reward 3: You have gained 100 Grace.-

  -Reward 4: You have gained 45 points in your Will Power Stat.-

     -By absorbing the Divinity Fragment housing the Spirit of Uriel Demiurgos, The Seraphim and Former Second General of the God Of Light's Army, you have repaired all damage to your SOC and Soul.-

Unable to control his breathing and slumped forward while using his Greatsword to stay standing, Brance read through his turning point quest rewards.
