
The First Obelisk Part 3

          |Welcome to the First Level Trial Obelisk Tower.|

          |Commensing Biometric Scan of Student.|

          |Scan Complete, Hello Student Björn "Ironside" Ragnarsson; I am the Obelisk Companion Artificial Intelligence known as Yennifer; you may call me Yenni.|

          |Since this is your first time in the Trial Obelisk Tower, let me briefly explain the rules and how the Obelisk Market Place works.|

'Of course, it's named that.' Brance thought as he smirked and listened to the soft and gentle female voice as she explained everything he already knew. The thought did appear in his mind to try interrupting her and having her skip the explanation, but he ignored it since that was something his brother would do and calmly waited for the AI to finish. 
