
MyrkLys vs. Osarseph Part 1

{Hey guys let me preface this chapter with, Firstly Sorry it's late, for the last 2 days I've been running a serious fever of 103. Since I am unable to take medicine like Tylenol or Asprin due to allergies whenever I get a fever I am left to struggle through it. That is why this chapter and most likely tomorrow as well will be late. I was forced to write on my iPad btw so if you find errors Lemmie know,  I was racing against the clock to get it published so I will be going back through it and fixing any issues.  Appreciate you all  ---ScotchTy}


Going over the plan one last time with the party Cynrik stood up wearing a serious expression. He had done everything he could to prepare the others for the battle to come, but plans tend to fall apart as is with every conflict.
