
Subjugation Mission Part 9

Unfazed by Gabby's well-timed arrow, Brance readjusted his stance before swinging his shield out to the side and colliding with another of the back liner's heads. But, unfortunately, be it the screams these beings made as they died, or the simple fact that the steam cloud was quickly thinning, the attention of the platoon of Kobold Soldiers readily shifted from their chants and bows to Brance, Gabby, and Benny.

Like a scene from a horror movie, all 20 lizard heads swiveled and glared at Brance, sending a shiver down his spine. Brance wasn't like Cynrik, who kept lizards and snakes as pets back on Earth. In fact, he had a deep-seated hatred borderline fear of them, ever since an incident where Cynriks pet ball python got out of its cage and wrapped itself around Brance's leg in the middle of the night, causing the young Earthling to have nightmares for years to come.
