
Chapter 2

The sun had begun to set, and the warmth of the air filled Amelia with a certain peace. As the evening breeze blew pass her hair, she felt herself wrapped in her mother's hug and could hear her angelic voice whisper words of reassurance to her.

She had ordered for the folks to pack their belongings as soon as the soldiers left, so they could start moving to another part of the map that she and her father had decided on.

"King Aether's soldiers, Here?" Her father exclaimed when he heard what had happened. She told him about how she had stopped them and how he was requested for questioning.

He held her hands in his and looked down at her with teary eyes and thanked her. The King's soldiers could return any moment from now, it was obvious they wouldn't just leave them alone.

After all, they had already chased them this far out. The folks gathered around one end of the long bridge that connected the lake to the mountains ahead.

It was going to be a long journey, but it was better than losing their life's or the life's of their loved ones to those beasts. Martha, being another person of magic walked in front of the horde of people, while Princess Amelia walked behind.

The men on each sides, holding close their weapons while the pregnant women, mothers, children and the King, who was placed in a carriage centered in the middle.

This was how it was done to prevent an ambush or for any child to be lost. Some mothers tied a rope around their waist and tied the other end around their child's arm if things got violent so as to keep them close to themselves.

As their journey started, Amelia stopped abruptly behind them, as though she was shocked by an eel due to a violent flapping sound she heard.


She heard it again and spun around. Her brows twitched.

"It can't be..." She whispered


She jumped as she heard it again.

This time the sound was heard by some of the people close to her.


The sound tore through the silence. The sky behind them suddenly began to glow a mix of orange and red. The once cool and wholesome evening air began to feel hot.

The Princess knew what was coming, and so did some of the men. "Martha!" the Princess took a battle stance.

"We need to get to the other side of this bridge and fast!" she yelled as she activated her magic.

"I think we have dragons approaching!"

"Where!?" Martha questioned in a loud voice.


At Amelia's command, Martha ordered. "Change positions!" and also activated her magic.

The King's carriage, pregnant women and mothers with their children took their places in the front of the bridge and started to cross while the men and Amelia stayed behind to protect them and ensure that they crossed over.

Several minutes pass and the flapping sound only became louder and even more terrifying. Amelia eyes scanned the top of the trees to see if she could spot anything unusual flying.

Dragons of fire wouldn't be hard to spot even at night as their throat would glow due to the fire held in their stomaches and throats.

Amelia turned her head to check the progress of the passing, the folks had already gone half way into the bridge and they were doing so hurriedly.


Suddenly, a loud roar tore through the sky. Before Amelia could turn her head back around, a large log of wood slammed into her side and sent her flying a few feet back. She landed on her side and instantly tried to get up but failed horribly and fell back down.

Her vision was blurry, her head was aching, her eyes were open but everything was pitch black.

She extended an arm forward, trying to create a shield in front of her and behind the folks with magic, but before she could gather the stamina to summon a shield, her outstretched hand touched something soft and slightly wet.

It was breathing. But it's breath was too heavy for it to be a person. It felt huge. Her eyes widened and her breath quickened as blood trickled down the side of her face.

Her vision began to clear up and she started to realize what was in front of her. It's glowing red eyes focused on her, it's warm breath blowing against her skin and pushing her hair back slightly.

It stared at her out stretched arm in confusion and then back at her face as though it was asking what to do. "A dragon...."

she whispered and ran her cold, soft palm up and down it's wet and surprisingly warm nose. The dragon rubbed it's nose on her palm and relaxed in front of her. She smiled at it warmly.

She was told that dragons were horrible and they would kill anyone on the spot. She never thought she would meet one so beautiful. She eyed it's red skin and glided her fingers against it's scaly forehead and it purred in response.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! We need you!" Amelia heard Martha's voice and snap back into reality. Yes, the dragon was still there, looking at her like it wanted her to pat it forever.

She shook her head abruptly and ran towards her people. Now she could see them, all of them emerging from behind the trees like monsters. She got into battle stance, ready to fight.

With her wrist she wiped blood out of the side of her face and started to check her surroundings. Dragons of different colors filled the sky, on each of them a soldier that looked more deadly than the ones on the ground.

If they came close to her people, they would end them all in minutes. "Martha, how many are across!?" Amelia asked and activated her magic.

"Half Your Highness!" Martha who was at the other side yelled a reply before jumping on top of the kings carriage and activating her magic.

She activated her siren voice and screamed at the incoming opponents with all her might. The opponents close to the bridge held their head and fell to the floor, the sound causing their ears to bleed and the dragon in the sky flew back in reaction to it.

Amelia levitated logs of wood and other heavy objects around her and sent them flying the soldiers way. They slammed into incoming soldiers and threw them backwards.

"we just have to hold them off till everyone is safe at the other side." Amelia told herself and continued. The battle continued for minutes before Amelia heard Martha yelled "All are across!."

The folks had made it safely to the other side and they all screamed for her to cross as well. Martha, who had lost her voice due to the over use of her magic picked up a sword and ran to Amelia's side, panting.

"What are you doing?" Amelia whispered, clearly low on energy.

"You can't fight, " Martha replied with a choking voice. "let me help."

Amelia turned back to the army of men in front of them. "Stand back!" she ordered but couldn't activate her magic due to lack energy.

The men kept approaching, pushing them back on the bridge until they stood in the middle.

Then it occurred to Amelia. She looked at Martha who was holding her sword in front of her in a fighting stance and took in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Martha..." her voice trailed off. With the last atom of energy she had left she let out a loud scream and activated her magic.

With one hand, she levitated Martha and threw her back to the other side of the bride to the people. She then turned back to the men with an evil grin on her face. "Never underestimate magic..."

She lifted her right hand and her entire body began to glow. Her hair glowed white and she let out a mighty scream and brought her hand down to the bridge and the floor began to shake, causing and earthquake that effected only the bridge.

In a few seconds the bridge was destroyed. On one side of the broken bridge was the folks safe from the soldiers on the ground and at the other side of the bridge, in front of the raging soldiers was Princess Amelia. Weak and seated on the floor.

As the soldiers got close to her, she burst out laughing. "I win..." The soldiers stared at the bridge, surprised at the destructive level of her magic.

"Well, well, well." The sound of someone clapping broke the silence "That, was some excellent display of magic little witch." the deep voice said in a throaty chuckle as the owner revealed himself.

Amelie's jaw dropped and eyes widened at the sight of him as he walked towards her. His evil aura filled the air and sent shivers down her spine.

His royal armor immediately made it known who he was.

The king. He was here. He stopped right in front of her and leaned over with a smile that showed his fangs.

"You stopped the army on the ground, " he pointed to the sky "But what about the one in the skies" Loud roars tore through the sky and Amelia looked up.

Dragons roared at the folks at the other side and they screamed in terror. Then the dragons throats began to glow, a sign that they are about to spit fire. "Run!" Amelia screamed at the folks at the other side.

They were hesitant, not wanted to leave her. Her eyes watered as she knew their faith if they didn't move. "PLEASE RUN!" She screamed again, this time her voice trembled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Amelia!" she heard a male voice from the other side and through her tear blurred eyes she saw her father being held back by the people. "Unhand me!" He screamed at them, trying to break hold and launch himself into the water to get to her.

Her father was a very strong man, but there was nothing he could do against the king of dragons. "Ah even better, not only will I finally remove you insects from this world, but I'll be removing their king too"

He laughed and raised his hand to signify to the flyers of the dragons to attack. In seconds her people would be burnt to ashes. Her father, Martha who had passed out when she threw her, the children, their parents.

She imagined them scream in pain as they would burn in the fire created by the dragons. *I have to do something. Anything, don't let him give the signal.* She told herself and with shaky legs, she forced herself to a standing position.

King Lance looked down at her, about to gesture the signal but was wondering what she was doing. Amelia took him by surprise and with force launched herself at him and sent them both to the ground with the impact.

The dragons throats immediately stopped glowing and the soldiers ran to the King's side to get Amelia off him. When they pulled at her leg, it was as though she was stuck.

They tried again and again only to realize that she had clung to the King. "Please..." her voice trailed off. "Please spare my people..." her voice trailed off again. "I'll do anything." she said and her grip on his armor loosened.

The king carefully lifted her from him and stood up with her in his arms. He looked down at her exhausted face and her torn clothes, then at the people at the other side.

"Matthew!" King Aether called Amelia's father by his name. "I am taking her, " he looked at her again then back at the people and King Matthew. " if you want her back then come to my Palace and take her." he finished and turned to go.

"Aether, you bastard!" King Matthew screamed at him, still being held back by the people. King Aether smiled and mounted his dragon, still holding Amelia in his arms.

He look one final glance at raging King Matthew and took off. His Soldiers and dragons followed closely behind him.

A new chapter for you guys. I hope you like it.

Nakia_Heartcreators' thoughts