
Arainna's plea to Aunt Rose!

" Talk to me mom ( Arainna said being more conscious ) what is the matter ? "

" Arainna your father's health isn't good, he's been ill for some days now, I fear so much why we should be encountering this challenges ( her mother said crying even more ) I cannot wait for us to be happy again as a family Arainna. We cannot afford to loose your father now, this kingdome will meet it's doom ! "

Arainna was speechless. She shouldn't have called her at all. She felt so bad. What if her father dies ? She felt so cold within.

" Put your self together again mother, we shall talk soon enough " Arainna said ending the call. She sat down casted. She was determined to start picking all the broken pieces and join them together. She was determined to find Emmaline, Brianna and put an end to all the mishaps around her. She also resolved to put an end to fantasizing about love and prince Liam, she reminded her self, that falling in love was for the weak, and she wasn't weak. While she thought yet, there was a knock on the door. Aunt Rose came in.

" Dear child, I brought you dinner. " Aunt Rose walking in with a tray of food.

" Thank you " ( Arainna appreciated. ) Just keep it over there " Arainna said pointing at the side table, and turned her face away.

" You don't look fine Brianna, is all well with you ? " Aunt Rose asked Arainna after observing her mood.

" Aunt Rose I just feel very sad " Arainna began. Aunt Rose drew closer.

" What is the problem my dear ? "Aunt Rose asked looking very concerned.

" It's not even up to a week since I have been here, and my personal maid is missing aunt Rose. I don't know what must have happened to her, but I feel really bad. " Arainna complained bitterly.

" Oh my ! When did you notice she was missing ? "Aunt Rose asked intelligently.

" All through today, she hasn't been seen. Please aunt Rose, ( Arainna stood up kneeling on the bed ) help me talk to prince Liam, so that search parties would be sent to look for her at least. If at the end of it thereof, they find nothing; then I'd let things be, but let it be known that we did our best. " Arainna pleaded like a child.

" Oh my dear Braianna! You must be feeling terrible, I shall discuss with the prince as soon as I can. Don't worry, your maid would be fine. In the mean time, you must try to breathe, eat your dinner and you'd be fine. ( Aunt Rose assured her ) permit me to take my leave " aunt Rose said bowing respectfully.

Arainna stopped her as she was about to take her leave, " please Aunt Rose, I also want the other maid to be moved out from that room, and be mixed up with the other maids. I feel she'd be better there. Arainna pleaded again. Aunt Rose just nodded.

" Can i take my leave now ? Aunt Rose asked again.

Arainna just gestured with her hands, permitting her to go. Arainna opened the food as soon as aunt Rose left, she had totally lost her appetite. However there was a cup of tea, it smelt of mint. Arainna took the tea, she sipped a little, it was indeed refreshing. She drank the tea and was lost in her thought.

Hours later, she was returned to her contiousness as soon as the prince opened the door. He was quiet at first. She didn't say anything as well to him.

" My lady ( he said drawing close to her after a short while. ) I am really sorry for speaking to you in the manner at which I did earlier. And for not showing concern about the disappearance of your maid. Kindly forgive me "

Arianna's mind was made up. She wasn't going to be patronized anymore by prince Liam's soft and sweet words. She just remained silent.

" I saw aunt Rose, I will send out search parties. We lost a wonderful maid as well once upon a time, she died in the woods out there. I shall send some parties to the woods as well "

Arainna smiled shabbily. " Thank you! I am grateful "

Arainna turned to sleep.

" There's going to be an enlarged family meeting tomorrow, father is going to announce when he shall be stepping down, I am going to be king soon. "

Arianna turned sharply, she was startled. " I thought it was going to be till the end of the year, why the sudden change of plan? " Arainna asked still puzzled.

" Father's health is deteriorating... The doctor says he needs rest, and he can't get enough of the rest he needs, still being king. I have to take over from him. You're to come with me as well to the meeting as the future queen of St Lucia. "

Arainna laid back gently and quietly. She has had enough from the day already, she just wanted rest from the world, and peace that was beyond human comprehension. She sobbed inaudibly knowing that things were never going to go the way she wanted them, she just wanted life to be fair towards her, but her sad reality was that life was not taking it easy on her.

She felt prince Liam lay gently on the bed as well. She dried her eyes and was set to fall asleep...
