

Daniel Belvedere had indeed left James' Penthouse but Delilah's uneasiness at his words didn't go away at all. She sat with so many thoughts in her head. Delilah sat on the balcony in front of her master bedroom with a book she didn't intend to read anymore.

There are already two people who keep saying that James has a girlfriend out there. That he was just a liar who ensnared Delilah and her innocence. Before long, the doorbell rang and Delilah immediately got up from her couch.

She came out of the room and found the door had been opened by the maid. A courier from a well-known fashion house delivers an order for James' Tuxedo and hands it to Delilah. Delilah only smiled and signed the receipt.

After receiving the clothing package, Delilah carried a bag containing James' luxury Tuxedo suit which was sent using a special courier into the walk-in closet.
