
Money, Women, and the Underworld (Long Chapter)

Soon after the gates had opened Nami steered the ship into port and tether it to port so as the city moves, our ship will move with it.

"I said this to your Captain but I'll say it once again, Welcome to Grand Tesoro, the Greatest Entertainment city in the world bar none!" He says while giving a sweeping gesture to the rest of the city behind him.

"You may enjoy yourselves in our many resorts, spend your money in our many casinos, watch live shows, enjoy fine cuisine from our plethora of fine dining, and enjoy our very own race way that you can make bets on the racers or just enjoy the show, and once again welcome to Grand Tesoro!" He says over the mic for everyone else that is coming to enjoy the grand opening of Grand Tesoro.

"Vargas, come along with me I want to talk to you about some more private matters.." he says as he starts to head towards the large tower in the middle of the city.

"Alright you guys go out and enjoy yourselves, everything is free of charge for you to enjoy, so spend your money on whatever you want or earn it by gambling, I'm gonna have a chat with Gild, will meet up at the best hotel in the city since that's where we're staying at for the next few days, so you guys later!" I say as I go and follow after Gild who decided to make it a race to the tower using his gold to propel him like pressurized water, I just grin and use my flames to chase after him.

Not long after we were standing on top of the tallest building in all of Grand Tesoro at the top suites veranda, this is both Gild's office and home as well, us being friends he let me hang out in his living room taking a seat on his couch as he grabbed some premium whisky for us to drink.

"Cheers to Grand Tesoro!" I just grin and clink his shot glass before we both down it and relax on our own seats.

"To your continued wealth, for the both of us." I say as I fill up our glasses and we down our cups again.

"So….. how should I address the situation of you both being Firebrand and Eagle?"

"Hmmmm…. Think of it that we're two different people, and that to the rest of the world I have connections to Eagle is all, heck even Kaidou wants to have a chat with Eagle sometime soon."

"And how are you gonna deal with that? I'm not questioning your strength my guy, but as you are he will wipe the floor with you if what I've heard from his feats of strength are to be believed, I mean I heard he fell all the way down from the clouds straight into an island, destroying it in the process, but he completely came out unscathed."

"I mean I'll try not to start a fight with him, after all we both hate the WG so I think we can work together, or at the very least be business partners, but if we come to blows….. let's just say his crew will be down to half its current size before I'd have to make my escape."

"Just you on your own?"

"No no I have a crew forming now for the Blood Eagle Crew…. Although maybe we should give my crew a real name…"

"And what kind of name would that be?"

"Well what does the world think of me as?"

"A shadow, a ghost, the boogie man, a devil, a monster…"

"…. The Monsters, I think that would be a fitting name after all, to the world nobles that's what I definitely am after all."

"Wait…. Don't you like hate slavery? That's the thing that Kaidou does on the regular to anyone that opposes him after all…"

"…. I may not like it, but I hate first and fore most the celestial dragons, the WG, the marines, and then I hate slavery, I won't consider it a deal breaker to work with him even if he's doing something I don't like, but hey if I'm given enough time maybe I can change things… but for now who knows.." I say as I drink more whisky to take my mind off those dark thoughts.

"Well let's forget about all that and let's celebrate, oh and that's right one of my crew has been meaning to meet you, and surprise surprise she's the girl I was talking about you meeting." He says with a sly smile on his face.

"… And the truth?" I ask as usually you wouldn't be handing over someone in his crew over even if it's to help a friend.

"…. *sigh* no I had someone else in mind but ever since you became the youngest Warlord of the Sea you seem to have a lot of women who are your fans, and my concierge Baccarat is no different, so when she heard you were looking for more lovers she jumped at the opportunity, your her type she says plus the known fact that you can handle a lot of women you must be good…"

"In the bedroom?"

"… I was going to say taking care of women but that too I guess, I would be jealous but I have my fine selection of women as well so I'm not as upset with your plethora of women anymore."

"…. Have you moved on from her?"

"….. I still miss her… she would have been the only one for me and I'd have been fine with that…. But they…" he try's to stay composed but he's having trouble holding back his tears whenever he thinks of Stella.

I just get up and sit next to him and rest my hand on his shoulder, "…. Then use all that you have gained to make those who want to get rich off of you suffer, any celestial dragon or noble or even moderately rich person of some kind take everything they have, then offer them some money so they can earn it back, but when they fail…. Make them suffer, but for those not on the high end of society don't make them suffer that much, they have the humble beginnings we once had after all, they go broke just kick them out of the casino and tell them to pack up and get out of Grand Tesoro…." We both have a general hatred for those with power, well unless your in a relationship with someone that is or was a noble or is trying to reclaim there nobility after all.

Hearing that he just wipes his eyes before standing up and looking at the city below him with a clenched jaw with arms crossed behind his back, "… make only those that can afford it suffer and let those who can't go huh? Sure, let's teach all those stuck up fucks who think can do whatever they want to those beneath them a lesson they'll never forget!" He then turns with a big grin on his face.

"And the best way to make them suffer after all is?" I ask as he strokes his chin before knowing the best way to fuck them completely over as we both point at each other and say together.


"That's perfect they'll never be able to escape unless they somehow pay off there debts, or I kill them personally, after all I'm the king! The Casino King of this City of mine and I can do whatever the fuck I want here!"

"And the more rich as soles we fuck over?"

"The more money we rake in! Vargas I think we're gonna have a great business going on here, so what do you say, wanna ruin some lives and make money with me old friend?" He says as he holds out his hand to me.

I just grin and take it, "Let's make them pay, drain them of every last drop and get rid of the stuck up trash afterwards!" And with that we just laugh as Grand Tesoro and the Firebrand Pirates became official partners.

"And since we're partners I got this not long after we parted all those years ago." I say as I pull out a necklace with a rainbow looking gem on it.

"This here is something you should only use whenever you desperately need me to bail you out of a situation that you feel like your gonna lose, should you feel that your about to lose everything, say like someone somehow getting control over Grand Tesoro from you or for some reason the Marines are attacking Grand Tesoro, break this crystal, it will instantly tell me your in deep shit and you need help now, and I'll be there in an instant." I say as I place it in his open hand as he looks at it.

"Wait how the hell will you just suddenly appear from thin air?"

"Let's just say one of the abilities that I gained over there past 10 years is to allow me to teleport to certain locations in the world, break that crystal and it will instantly tell me you need help and I'll appear nearby to assist or if you have already lost, save your ass."

His star shaped shades slip down lower on his nose before he catches himself and puts them back in place, "Man you do have a lot of powers after all, let me guess that's how you escaped from the marines to cause the Shabody Massacre back then?"

"Mhm, the one and same ability, I just went from ToTo Land straight home to Amazon Lily and then decided to teach those pricks a lesson for thinking about trapping me like that."

"Huh, well I appreciate the gift, just hope I never need to use it, but anyway I think it's time you and Baccarat meet, though I really need her to stay here in Grand Tesoro, she has a devil fruit power that effects someone's luck after all, so if I want to really screw those fucks over I need her, though rigging games so people lose 90% of the time helps as well."

"That's fine by me, always want to meet a fan, and besides I might just make a gate in her room so I can come here whenever I want, or if she want to come to my island to relax on a tropical island where it's summer all year round."

"… Then wouldn't that be better than just using this crystal instead?"

"But what if your no where near her room, plus I don't want you popping up in my bedroom after all, I'd take you to the main area of where my HQ is instead if the gem is used."

"I guess that makes sense, but come on I'll introduce you two and then let you both have your fun, oh and tomorrow head back here, some certain people of the underworld have come here and I'd think it be good if you made some connections with them all." He says as he leads me towards the Elevator that takes us down to his office.

"Any of them big shots in the underworld?"

"All of the underworld emperors have come to see my city so yeah I think you want to get in contact with them after all." We then get out of the elevator and head for his office.

*Stussy is here Huh? I guess I should get her interested in me, though that shouldn't be hard since she'll want info or maybe contact with Blood Eagle…. And with Shalltear things will be very interesting after all…*

We then finally reached his office where a very beautiful woman was waiting for us, who's eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Vargas let me introduce you to Baccarat, Baccarat this is-"

"The Casanova of the Warlords of the Sea, Firebrand Vargas, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says as she cuts Gild off, who just shrugs and sits in his chair where not long later he's surrounded by 3 women who seem to be his women.

"Alright I won't be a third wheel, you go off and have fun you two I'll be here enjoying myself with my ladies here."

I just grin and wrap my arm around Baccarats waist making her smile and lean her head on my shoulder, "Then I'll see you tomorrow buddy." I say as both me and Baccarat go to the elevator and head down to the Casino at the base of this tower, the Golden Tesoro, the one casino where the stakes are the highest and profits are the highest as well.

"So I heard your a fan of mine? I thought only average looking women, and women who definitely could never get a man would be apart of my fan club, but now I find out I have a beauty such as yourself in my fan club, makes me feel I'm coming into my prime of getting women after all."

"Mmmm… more because your my type, can handle a woman and treat them well as well were what got me interested in you, though also wanting to test out your skills for myself."

"Oh you want to test out my skills now? Or do you want me to swoon you first and let you see why people call me a Casanova after all."

"Mmm, show me your skills first, afterwards then will go have some fun in private."

"As you wish my lady."

"Alright test number one, just from looking at me, what is my favorite food?"

"Hmmm, you seem the type that can handle heat so I'd say something spicy?"

"Ooo you are good yes my favorite food is spicy."

"But not insanely spicy right?"

"Of course! I don't want to be chugging down tons of water."

"Spicy but not too spicy Huh?…. Is it a curry?"

"…. You are good, yes it's a curry but what kind?"

As we're having this conversation I head over to the desk and hand a stack of Berries for casino chips and head to the roulette table.

"I'll tell you if you'll be my lucky charm?" I say with a grin.

She just smiles back before going across several tables brushing up against several rather wealthy and extremely lucky patrons before coming back to join me just as the last roll for the previous roulette game has ended.

She just grins and takes my chips and places them all on 0 with a win of me earning 35 times more if it lands on it and a 200,000 bet that's 7,000,000 should I win, with all the bets set by everyone else at the table the dealer spins the roulette and it spins and spins before slowing down with it finally resting on 0 with me just grinning as the dealer pushes back towards me 7,000,000 worth in chips that I just pull out a suitcase, from where? Who cares it's just there as I put my chips in the case before going out to enjoy myself with Baccarat some more.

"Tikka Masala is the kind of curry you like the most."

"Mmmm looks like I have to give you full stars then, we just met but you already know what I like without even telling you…"

"Well being surrounded by women you learn what they like and dislike real fast, now my lady do you wish for us to go and have some more fun out in the city? Or do you want to test out my skills now?"

"Mmm… I think it's time I test this bad boy out.." she says as she strokes her hand around my crotch.

I just grin and carry her princess style while she holds my winnings as I fly off towards my personal VIP suite, and since this was separated from all the others except for my wives…. Which I was unlucky since all 4 of them, Hancock, Robin, Viola and Baby 5 were actually relaxing out in the veranda when I flew up to them.

Though since we've been together for so many years now they've just come to ignore it when I bring more girls home.

"New lover?" (Hancock)


"Have fun then, will be out here waiting if you want more fun." (Robin)

I just grin as I carry Baccarat into the bedroom.

"You really must be good if your women don't mind if you have a new lover added to the group."

"No they all agree not to care about lovers but you'd need to be on there good side if you ever want to become my wife after all."

"Mmm I think I'm fine with being a lover for now, now come on lover boy, show me your skills…"



After we both get undressed we begin to make out while I have my cock sandwiched between us as I massage her ass as I let her feel my length get bigger and bigger between us.

As we make out her eyes start to open wide as she feels the length resting on her belly, *H-he's massive!* is what she thinks to herself as she feels my overly large member resting on her belly.

I then pull away and then lift her up easily with my strength bringing her pussy to my lips while I'm standing forcing her to wrap her legs around my head and hold my head with her hands while I keep her up by holding her ass as I deeply eat her out making her both squirm and moan from my tongue work.

*oh god he's gonna make me cut already!!!* she then clenches up and pulls me even deeper as I drink up all her femcum before I keep going at it drinking up more and more in the process.

After making her cum a few times I beloved she was sufficiently wet enough to take my huge member.

Luckily she was very flexible as I forced her into the standing split's position with one of her feet on my shoulders and with me reaching my final height of 6'6" from my height of 5'7" 4 years ago, she could just barely reach my shoulder since I was a slightly taller than her.

I then slowly pushed into her soft depths making her cum from my sheer girth, but at 10 inches I was stopped with 2 inches still left outside but since I was gonna be a bit rougher this time I decided to stay big just so I can make her pussy the perfect shape for my cock.

"OH GOD ITS HUGE!!!" She shouts as she cums hard just from the length, and not letting her get a break I begin to pound her as I try to force my way into her waiting womb.

This seems to enjoy being rough fucked as she would keep screaming as she came as I fucked her hard.

Wanting to get even deeper I grabbed her other leg and hefted it up to my other shoulder while I held up her ass while she wrapped her arms and feet around my neck as we made out as I pounded at her entrance even harder than before making her eyes roll back in the process.

Then I finally forced my way in as I started to rape her womb with my member letting me completely hilt her hitting the back of her womb with every thrust.

She was cumming so much she was starting to lose her grip so I changed it to mating press on the bed as I kept smashing her until I deep hilted her and filled her with my spunk.

She instantly wrapped her legs around my waist as we made out while I dumped everything straight into her womb.

After dumping it all out I slowly pulled out to make sure it all stayed in her for as long as possible, she even helped by covering her pussy with her hand trying to keep most of it in.

I just grinned as I slapped her face with my cum covered member before I started to deep throat her and placing her free hand on her sack to feel how full I still was.

* I think I bit off more than I can chew…* but soon after I started I decided that I'd give her throat and belly a filling of my cum.

"Oh we have just started lover, you wanted to see my skills when I'm done, you'll be covered head to toe." I said with a grin as I pulled out only to the tip as I let her taste and drink up my cum as she jerked me off trying to get as much out as possible.

And when I say everything I meant everything, anal, handjob, boob job, thigh job, foot job and to finish off a full on body bukkake when I was done with her, leaving her a quivering mess of bliss while covered in my cum.

I just grin at my handy work before carrying her off to the bath to wash her off and give her some gentle sex in the bath and finishing it off with a handjob blowjob combo as I fill her mouth for the umpteenth time with my cum which judging by the heart eyes I have gotten her addicted to the taste of my rather sweet tasting cum, thanks to Smoothies drinks and both getting lots of Shalltear and Albedos juices over the years making my cum as my women say, 'A taste that you need more than once.'

She squeezes my balls as she drains all the cum out of me before we are finally done.

(R-18 End)


After that night of fun with Baccarat and definitely earning me a new lover after that I headed to Gild's Meeting room where there was Gild, Stussy, and 4 men and one bird man were already waiting.

Though as I could see they weren't that surprised that I was at this meeting, I mean they saw me personally help open the gate to Grand Tesoro, obviously I'd be here and also obviously me and Gild are good friends, good info to know for them after all.

"Vargas welcome to the meeting, you may know of them already but some introductions are in order, first we have the lovely Stussy here, Queen of the Pleasure District."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Vargas." She says with a smile, and I see a glint in her eye, I just grin on the inside, *Hook, Line, and Sinker*

"Drug Peclo, know for his dealing in 'trash disposal' as the Major Undertaker."

"Gugigigugi, nice to meet cha." (Peclo)

"Next our fine feathered friend here is the owner of the world economy news paper best known as 'Big News' Morgan's."

"Kuwahahaha! This is some Big New indeed, after all I get to interview the only known person with any connections to the infamous and blood thirsty Blood Eagle himself!" Morgan said all excitedly.

"This Jolly old drunk here is Gibberson, the Concealer, expert warehouseman for certain illegal substances if you know what I mean."

"So long there's money and a good drink involved I'll help you get what you want to get from point A to B without anyone the wiser." Gibberson says as he takes a swing from his bottle of beer.

"And this is Umit, he can also get you large quantities of anything you want from wherever you want in the world to you no problem as he is the worlds largest shipping Magnate."

"Hmph.." (Umit)

"Don't mind that angry old man, the names Du Field! And I'm the best guy to talk to if you need money…. Well since you work with Gild you won't need my services, but if you know anyone else who needs money and don't want to ask Gild here, I'm your man." (Du Field)

"Well it's a pleasure to meet all of you, and since you all introduced yourselves, I shall do the same, names Firebrand Vargas, the Youngest Warlord in the Sea, and also…" I say as I pull out one of my Cigars and light it, "One of Blood Eagles Links to the rest of the world.." I say as I take my seat at the opposite end of the table from the rest.

"Links? Plural? There's more of you out there?!" Morgan's using his journalistic skills to pick up on that.

"There are others, but those even I don't know about, but I'm the link the rest of the world knows of and he likes to keep it that way, but let's get through Gilds business first before we talk with me, after all this is his city we're all in after all."

Hearing that they all nod and then turn to Gild who just grins and nods back at me before talking to the rest of them for the majority of the meeting.

A couple hours the meeting came to an end and most of them started to leave before leaving me a business card with there personal den den Mushi's before leaving only me, Gild, Stussy, and Morgan's.

"Well in all honesty I would love to have an interview with you Mr. Vargas, but it seems that I have a business call that I need to take soon, so will have to leave the interview for another time, so I will take my leave but here's my card, call me sometime so we can have that interview." Morgan's says before he takes his leave.

As he leave I take out a card of my own and begin to write on it as Stussy begins to leave as well before also handing me her card, but as she goes to leave I hand her a card of my own, stunning her a little before smiling and taking it and leaving as well.

Gild was about to say something but I give him hand signs meaning shut up.

Outside the meeting room as she goes and takes a elevator on her own she looks and grins at the card, "Jackpot, the higher ups will like this." She says looking at the card as it reads, 'He'll call you sometime soon.'

After I'm sure she's gone I look at Gild, "Well now I've set the scene, now all I need to do is wait for the actors all come together."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you know what she is besides an Underworld Emperor and Queen of the Pleasure district?"

"No is she something else as well?"

"CP0 under cover agent." Instantly hearing this he gets furious and heads for the door but I cut him off.

"Don't worry about it, when she meets Blood Eagle and Crew in person she'll be switching sides real quick." I say with a huge grin on my face.

"And I'll have even more Cards working against them from the inside out…."
