
Training with Demons Pt. 1

"I believe I should introduce myself, the name is Vargas and I'm the leader of this small army I have here on this island, but before I go into details about this world let's head inside to relax, and the two of you are to heavily dressed for this kind of weather so I'll have someone prepare more breathable outfits for you." I say as I see Victoriya sweating as this is a tropical island after all.

The two of them just nod and Kagura seems more reluctant to go but follows us as well.

We then go into my office that's much cooler than the heat outside as Kagura takes a chair for herself and Tanya and Victoriya take a seat on the couch while I go sit behind my desk.

"Now that we're in a more comfortable environment let me give you a quick rundown of this world, I will give you more details later if you so need to know, basically this is a world that is 90 percent made up of water with only 10 percent of the world is land so the most known use of travel is by sea, in this era this is the golden age of pirates where piracy has run rampant across the world, we are also pirates but I'm one of the warlords of the sea, so I'm a pirate that has full rights to do what I want so long as I help the World Government when I feel like it."

"What time period is this set in? What is its technological advancements?" (Tanya)

"Well that's a bit complicated the year is 1514 but I know that the weapons that should be Normal for this time period should be just muskets, flintlocks, blunderbusses and cannons which is still used but there are also repeater weapons which are also just as common, though there are also Gatling guns and rocket launchers as weapons but the more advanced weaponry is found here on the Grand Line which this where this island is located, but let me give you a quick rundown of the seas first." I then give better rundown on this world as a whole for them.

(A/N I'm not just gonna type up all the info we already know unless it's best to be explained to them.)

"... This world is very strange... but at the same time interesting as well, I want to see this country of Wano someday, it reminds me of my home." (Kagura)

Tanya was biting her thumb as she was stewing in her thoughts.

"The World government is just awful! They tote there justice but ignore what the World nobles do to the world just because of there status!" (Victoriya)

"Yep and we work for them, well as me as 'Firebrand' Vargas…" I say before I pull out my bird mask and lay it on the table.

"But as my other identity as the worlds monster, Blood Eagle, I want nothing more than to watch the world they so love burn to the ground." I then pull out the recording from my message to the world signaling my beginning as the 5th emperor of the sea.

After it's finished only Victoriya seems a bit I'll after watching me torture people in my own personal style where as both Tanya and Kagura are unfazed in comparison.

"Think you need to use the bathroom Victoriya, it's understandable not many people can take watching that without feeling ill."

"N-no I'm fine… I'm a soldier I need to be able to handle gruesome scenes like this…."

"Well not like you'll have to see things like this often after all…"

"….. You're a sociopath aren't you?" (Tanya)

"Heh, aren't you the same little girl?" I say as I begin to release my conquer haki into the room which began to oppress them making Victoriya faint while both Kagura and Tanya were actually able to hold themselves up.

"Hmph, 2 out of 3 Huh? Well I can make all of you work out well with a bit of effort, and I'm not a sociopath I'm a high functioning sociopath." I say as I pull back my conquers haki letting them relax.

"…. That aura…. It was trying to oppress my soul…." (Kagura)

"That was conquers haki, most people have to be born with it to use it, but a lucky few can unlock it with enough training, well at least possibly through evolution."

"What is haki exactly?" (Tanya)

"It's using one's spirit energy to do usually one of two things when trained up, armament haki and observation haki, it's better to show you in training instead of just telling you so that will have to wait until tonight, in the mean time, here are some more fitting military clothes for our environment, so until tonight your free to see the island if you want or just relax, any bedroom that you find empty you can take it for yourselves." I say as I pull out some light tropical uniforms for the two girls, before I get up and start to walk out.

"Why can't we just start now?" (Tanya)

"We could, I could bring you there but then we can't go all out as when we sleep it's not our real bodies we're putting in danger but more like our spiritual bodies that fight, even if you die or are knocked unconscious you'll just wake back up in the real world."

"Hmmm… I guess that makes us pull out our full potential without any risks then…" (Kagura)

"Of course, oh and Tanya, you and your friend should go find my engineer Dessit, she will be the one that can supply you with weapons your more familiar with, she should be in the building that looks very high tech in comparison to the other buildings here, and while your at it meet some of my crew, you'll be working with them from now on." I then finished what I needed to say and headed out to spend some more time with Robin.



Later on, at night, in the Frontier.

"Welcome to the Frontier, this world is our training grounds, ah and I see the world has designated your elemental types…." I go on to explain there types, Tanya is a Dark Type, while Victoriya, who is alright with me just calling her Visha, is a Light type, with Kagura being a Wood type as, earth and wind abilities fall under the wood type classification.

"Now show me your skills, First up will be Kagura." I say as I lead them to the training ground and have her face off against me as I summon my blade and point it at her.

"Fine then take my Dance of Blades." She says as she unfurls her fan and waves it at me rapidly sending extremely fast waves of wind blades towards me.

Though they are extremely fast if I was say back when I was at maybe my 2nd evo. Now these are just slow in my eyes as I easily cut every single one of them apart.

"Kagura, you need to take this more seriously or else I will just take you down without trying."

"Fine then how about this one, Dance of the Dragon." She says as she summons tornadoes and sends them my way.

"Hmmmm she will be valuable in the future if she can summon tornadoes out at sea and decimate enemy fleets, but as it is now…" I then charge up my blade and with a single cut across all the tornadoes were cut in half, the remnant blade energy then hit her and sent her flying before she crashed down into the ground.

"When you get stronger with our training here and leveling yourself up as time goes by you'll either regain your previous strength or exceed past it when you evolve." I then turn and face Tanya and Visha.

"I won't be checking your combat potential myself I have someone better suited for training real soldiers than me." I then turn to one of the many houses in the village near by and shout.

"Larissa! Come out here! I finally got soldiers worth your time to train!"

Not long later a woman in a white military coat and hat with fiery red hair and eyes came out of her house holding a cup of coffee in her hands while she approached us.

"Ladies, this is Commander Larissa, she will be leading my 2nd Fleet when it's formed, but she has refused to leave the Frontier until I found her some worth soldiers to join her crew."

"So these are my new crew mates Leader?" She says as she takes a sip from her coffee cup.

"They look pretty weak if you ask me…"

*Tick* (Tanya)

*Grimace* (Visha)

"Cut them some slack, they were just summoned so of course there weaker than normal, but since they are back at square one you can train them up your way while leveling them with the metal parade."

"Hmmm… fine then let's see what these girls got." She says as she puts down her coffee on a tree stump.

"So what experience do you girls have exactly, what kind of world did you come from?"

"Are world was a place where magic existed in some people, and us soldiers were apart of the 203rd Arial Infantry Division where we used our magic to achieve flight to attack our enemies from the sky's and use our magic to amplify the damage output of our bullets to the level of artillery bombardments from our guns." (Tanya)

"Hmm… and how do you feel currently, can you use any of those abilities in your current state?" (Larissa)

Tanya try's flying and surprisingly she actually does but when she pulls out her newly made semi-automatic rifle styled after the Gewehr 48, and takes aim she realizes she can't use her abilities to enhance her guns damage output, she can still generate shields to protect herself in a fight but that's it, and that she has lost the connection between being x and herself her so called blessing magic she had that made her a monster on the battlefield is gone too.

Angered by this she comes back to the ground and throws her weapon on the ground and stomps the ground in anger.

"GRRRR! WHY AM I SO WEAK NOW!!!" She shouts enraged that she is much, much weaker than she once was.

"Hmmm…. Most of your power came from the one you call 'Being X' it seems, you were only so strong just because he gave you those powers that made you a monster to your enemies, funny thing is had I not brought you here he would have forced you to praise his name and worship him to use even more powerful abilities to rise up through the ranks to reach lieutenant colonel at age 13 which would have been in 3 years since your 10 right now." I say as I read her story called, The Saga of Tanya the Evil.

"H-how would you know all that?" She says surprised and questioning me about that knowledge as those events hadn't come to pass yet at the time of summoning her at least.

"The gods can read worlds like they are stories to them, even this world we inhabit is also a story that had I not entered would have followed its own set path but since I was thrown into this world the story is unfolding before the gods as we speak as they can't see the future it holds until it has happened now, that's the main reason why gods or higher beings let people either be summoned or reincarnated with some or all of there memories intact into a already existing world so that the story will change right before there eyes."

"Can I see that book?" (Tanya)

"Sure here this is how your story would have went had you not come with him to this world." I say as I hand her the book on her story.

And she begins to read it and she's appalled at the lack of privacy this book has on her, it talks about her past life briefly, meeting being x, being reborn as an orphan, getting her magical aptitude test, joining the military training camp, officially joining the army, the battle of the Rhine, the last meeting with being x again.

Then she sees events that were to come, the prototype Elenium Type 95 and how he made it only work if she worshiped and praised his name, it did give her incredible powers but as she slowly read on she could actually slowly see herself turning into a true believer of his, actually wearing Crosses and the like without even realizing it, even though it did make her much stronger the cost was that she lost the free will for her to chose whether she wanted to believe in a god or not forcing her to believe in him just so when she left the army she could live a comfortable life….

After reading it all and seeing how it mostly played out she ripped it in half and tore it apart into tiny pieces.

She then let out all of her anger in pure magical waves of pressure similar to conquers haki that unfortunately only effected Visha causing her to collapse in fear, but she was still able to keep conscious but was extremely terrified of her Captain right now.

I then using my judgement move to appear behind her place my hand on her head while using my conquers haki to counteract her magical pressure waves cancelling it out.

"Enough, stand down soldier, that's an order!" After hearing my command she looked back at me but before she could rebuttal I gripped tighter on her head and sent my aura directly into her making her knees quake as she was barely keeping herself up.

"… I will make you even stronger than that god ever could have, and I won't ask you to worship me, all I want is your loyalty towards me and my cause, and when I have the strength to and I have to power I'll help you kill him for what he put you through." I say as I relax my hand and rest it on her shoulder instead.

She was still shaking in anger at what would have happened to her, but slowly calms down before turning towards me and takes a knee.

"If you give me the strength I want and let me live an easy life when not on missions I will follow your command to the letter." She says as she puts her hand over her heart.

I just smile, "When I have the strength to, I will keep my promise and let you kill that god."

"Then you have my blade till the day I die Leader." She says as she bows her head towards me.

"Rise, Tanya von Degurechaff, I accept your loyalty and don't worry, unless deemed absolutely necessary I will not send you on any suicide missions or any missions that would be above you or Visha's level until you have the strength to take them on."

She then stands up and salutes me, "Then we're at your service sir!" She then kicks the downed Visha who instantly gets up and salute me as well.

"Very good I'll let Larissa train you two, while Kagura, I'll train you personally."

They then all nod at me, "Well ladies let's get to work, and in a few days you'll be able to feel the difference in the training."

And with that we began the girls real training in the frontier.
