
Chapter 39: The wilted PAPER (Part-2)

Inside a deep dark cave, there was a figure sitting on one of the stones. The figure had a swirly orange mask and was wearing typical Akatsuki garments.

"How did it go? " Madara asked.

The ground beside him came alive and Zetsu bloomed from it.

"It seems that he is serious about it. Konan is dead and has taken the Rinnegan, he should arrive here by tomorrow noon. Although it seems that some complications have arrived. " Zetsu said after he fully popped out from the ground.

"Very well, narrate me the details " Madara commanded.

" The battle did not go for long, Sanemi casted a genjutsu on her since the start, even I was affected by it, the genjutsu was so strong I didn't even realize I was in it till he released it. With the power of his genjutsu, he made Konan show him the burial place for both Nagato and Yahiko, after that he released the genjutsu and a short fight took place. " Zetsu said as he narrated what all happened.


"What?" Konan yelled with wide eyes as the Air started to crack in front of her.

The cracks kept on increasing and increasing and were now present everywhere around her.

"What is happening here!?! " Konan yelled in confusion and wariness.

Suddenly the cracks stopped and a voice came from the direction of the place where the cracks started.

"So that is where you were hiding the bodies, it is quite a beautiful place, I must admit? " Sanemi's voice came, and like a delicate glass Konan's surroundings shattered.

"What...di- " Konan asked in pure confusion on the call of the events.

"Genjutsu..." Konan muttered answering her questions.

"That would be correct, and you won mercy! Sadly we ran out of it" Sanemi said as he pointed Enma towards Konan.

"Sanemi...but when did you..." Konan said still in a state of shock and panic.

"Since the start, after all a skilled genjutsu user never yells out his technique now does he? Well since you have led me all the way here, I will make sure that you have a painless death. " Sanemi said and then slashed her chest.

"Aaaah! " Konan yelled in pain and was unable to react to Sanemi's speed.

"Huff...huff..huff" Konan took deep breaths and applied chakra where she was cut to prevent pain.

'I am sorry Nagato, this is all I can do for our dream' Konan thought and pulled out a kunai then stabbed Nagato's Rinnegan.

"What are you doing! " Sanemi yelled and pulled out an iron spear.

"Hufff...." Sanemi took a deep breath and then looked at the now-dead team Jiraiya.

"Farewell Konan, you were a good partner for what it lasted, now rest in peace. " Sanemi said and then stabbed Konan's heart with a spear and then threw her body between Nagato's and Yahiko's.

"Together even in death, how poetic " Sanemi said and then went over and took Nagato's Rinnegan, secured it in a jar, and left.


"It seems that he is quite loyal, but losing one of the Rinnegan does cause some problems, doesn't matter, I will take care of it," Madara said and the left in a swirl.

"It seems we will reunite soon as well, Mother..." Zetsu said and then burrowed in the ground.


"What...what is going on..." A woman with short, straight blue hair with a bun, amber eyes with lavender eye shadow, and a black labret piercing.

The woman slowly stood up and noticed her surrounding. Beside he laid two coffins, one of them had a man with pale white hair and one of his eyes was stabbed and another was missing. While the other coffin had a man with bright orange hair and his eyes were closed.

"Sanemi...He did not kill me? " Konan muttered in confusion and checked her body and clothes to find no damage on either.

Then she noticed a scroll beside Nagato's grave. She picked it up and read it in a small voice.

"Konan, if you are reading this you must have awakened from the genjutsu I had put on you, I will narrate to you my side of the story, and after that, there are some instructions, where you believe my story or not, you can make the decision to follow the instructions on your own as well. But I have hope that you will understand my path... " Konan read the rest of the scroll and her eyes slowly widened after each line she read.

'So you planned so much from the beginning? I guess I will follow you and support you in this path at least for sparing me...' Konan thought and then burned the scroll.


'The plot is thickening, the plans are hatching, and now it is time for the final dash ' Sanemi thought as he stared at the moon.


A/N: Hope everyone liked the chapter, Tobi actually wanted to do a cool reveal that Konan was alive in the war arc, but Tobi felt half of the readers would have dropped anyways hope this explains everything if not allowed Tobi to.

Zetsu inside genjutsu, think Konan ded. But reality Konan no ded, Konan now help MC.
