
Chapter 4.

And finally a truck stopped near me ...

There was a sound of the door opening and a rather fat man peeked out. The smell of sweat and ... something else began to spread in the air. Oh ... it seems that certain stereotypes are real.

Slowly he looked at me ...

- Pockets! - a hoarse voice sounded in the air ... Seriously?Who in our time, going to work, I keep weapons in such obvious places. Imagine that my goal is to rob the driver of this truck. Of course, it would be more convenient to remove the whore and work with her in pairs ... We need to develop several plans in case of different events - he will have a weapon, he will ignore me and go on, he is a maniac and the most unpleasant, the mafia ... in containers for transporting animals are not always animals, there may be illegals , slaves, drugs ... in general, there will be a lot of cases later ... It is desirable to develop a plan of interaction with two people.Usually they work, substituting each other ...

Firstly, under any pretext to get into the cabin. Secondly, pretend to be a sleep. Thirdly, get to the previously inspected section of the road and kill.It is usually easier to suppress, without noise and blood.Then the most difficult thing is to leave the road into the woods, or park the car in the parking lot ...

--"Hey! Are you deaf? Turn your pockets!"

--Sorry, now sir! - I paint an uncertain smile on my face and turn my pockets, along with their contents. He begins to act on my nerves. The last time I portrayed myself as a fool ... fuck, never! It drives me crazy. ..I'll soak it anyway he, though later ...

--"Damn it!" I shout softly and start picking up the fallen things.

--Ha ha! Get in the car! - With good-natured laughter he leaves one of the doors open. How he acts on my nerves. They all laugh. They are all hypocrites. They all lie. They all ... must die. A half-crazy smile appears on his face for a moment. Mistake. Again, I stretch the usual expression of confusion and deliberately awkwardly climb into the car. It's bad, I look askance at the fat man. As if I did not notice anything.

- So where to drive?

- Can I go to the nearest town? I say uncertainty. And now it's time to check on the idiot.

- I was drinking with my friends and it looks like I was dumped ... The main thing is to get to the nearest town. and there I will understand ... probably - I mutter uncertainly. To pretend to be a loser is easy, though it takes patience, a lot of patience...

--You have good friends. All right, small, I'll give you a lift. - Well, the test on the idiot was successful ...

In a few minutes he leaves back on the road. Now it's time to deal with the system and its alerts. I pretend to have fallen asleep.

[System. View player profile]


[name: Cain White]

[occupation: marauder]

[level: 2]

[race: Viltrumit]

[EXP = 0/250]

[HP = 4500]


[berserk] Active skills. You don't care about your own life - victory at any cost. If you lose control on the battlefield, all your characteristics will be doubled on 60 seconds

[ruthless] Passive skill. You don't about the suffering of others, if they get in your way, you will get rid of them.Buff increases mental defense during an attack.

[individual skill (shop) = catharsis]

Well, I'm waiting for something more useful. One skill can kill me, and another, in fact, does not give me anything. to control yourself and perform on the basis of emotions, it degrades. Of course, strengthening the characteristics is good, but with this skill you need to be careful..The difference between a human and an animal is that the former has a more developed intellect.

I was also pleasantly surprised by the rate of hp It seems that the choice of race has done its job. Yes, there are still questions about individual skills. I don't seem to be waiting for explanations. If you think about it, this word has many meanings. Or, it's simple - they want to make me a cleaner. Well, I used to work as a cleaner. However, additional information is required ...

The car shook and she stopped.

--Hay! Time to go out! this pig was burning in my ear

It seems like time to act. Pretending to be sleepy, I reach for my stomach, as if I want to scratch it.The next moment I grab a pistol and make a couple of accurate shots to the headI grab the body that was breathing a minute ago and shoot a couple of shots in the liver and kidneys. Even if he survives a gunshot wound to the head - if he is not treated within 2 hours, death in agony is only a matter of time.Now you can relax.

Looking at the place where he stopped, I could say with confidence - I'm an idiot. It was a quiet suburb with a bunch of identical housesThe shot will attract too much attention.

I quickly inspect the cab of the car. It was useful to check the contents of his pockets. I took out my wallet from them. Although to say - it's the only thing I managed to pull out before I heard the sounds. which I frankly did not like.

There was a rustle behind the seats...
