
how to start a business

eight years ago when ryu left summer family house he started his plan to get more power and as most of you know money is equal to power if there is law and you are taking about human so he started with the easiest part starting underworld empire he kind did but did not anyway it was like.

to start your underworld empire you need some local gang to use or to work with and they need to have some real power, power to fight power to take what they want and most important they don't work under atlas or ironwood for you my dear readers who just watch rwby before session seven and who watch it let me tell you that RT give ironwood revenge isekai vibe or am evil man type script will he appeared as 3d rate villain with 4th rate dialogue any way that was shit for what they did in the character belding in the last 6 seasons will it's the same goes for rwby it self after season 3 .

will away from that ryu have someone in his head as the first step and he was she and she is raven, Raven Branwen the certain leader of the branwen tribe and the big twin sister of qrow

branwen and the spring maiden.

ryu start to look after her will he start to look after every dust robbery and finally after 3 months of taking the shape of a cop of course not to sleep in a cop car and eating donut all day ofcourse not will that is hulf of the truth the other hulf is he got him self a cool dodge charger 1990 (will for you who don't know what car it is just search about hell charger agent of shield) luckily he can make it look like it has been possessed by the ghost rider but with more demonic with less hell fire . back to the topic after locating her wereabout he used the same trick as kaito kid to enter the tribe camp and it was knock some down take his clothes then bind him to some tree away from the camp

he entered the camp start looking for the chief tent when he found it he waited until the down to enter.

ryu: sorry chief it's important.

when he entered the tent he saw a woman in her late twenties have dark hair red eyes wearing red dress that give kimono vibe .

raven: what it is it's batter to be important. she said with angry look

ryu: okay it's important atlas for you as mother. he said then change his aprence into tom Ellis .

raven: do you dare to threat me , if you want to die believe me I will make it face that you don't know how did you die. she said while moving her hand to her werst to draw her sword.

ryu: take it easy am here just to spend some time with you and talk about the future you know.

raven: what do you want.

ryu:have you ever thought about going bigger than just being a bandit chief.

raven: you really have death wish don't you.

ryu: no no miss am here to offer you the best deal in your life and that is to work under me.he said while pointing to his face.

raven: you little.

ryu : oh you don't like okay am going it was good to know you miss raven.

raven got angry left her sword and attack .

raven: do you think that you can just go in and out with out getting to pay for it do you even think that you can go out with out a fight.

ryu: and how would stopped me you or your little gang and why do even think they are alive. he said as his eyes start to give red glow.

ryu: right do you even can woke right now try and take a step forward. he said with evil smile.

raven tried to move her budy but she found that her body is not under her control

ryu : now let me ask you a question what do you want the most.

raven: power .

ryu: you know how to joke but it's not funny you know let me show you something look to my eyes.

after raven looked the environment around her begin to change finally she were in dark room with a child in front of her the child was none other yang.

yang: mother is that.

raven : so it was you who did this.

before yang speaks a word a grim came from behind of her and attack her she began to scream.

raven :YANG..YANG raven try to move but she found that she can't the only thing she can do is to stay put while watching her daughter being killed and eaten in front of her.

raven: THIS IS ILLUSION IT MUST BE. she said in crazy tone .

" is it"

she turned her head to the voice and saw ryu tom Ellis apprence.

ryu: believe me that was real every thing here is real .


YES IT CAN'T BE yang is alive she is YANG IS ALIVE...

" mother is that you"

raven: yang oh yang I know you are alive I know it I know it. she said while running to hug yang but before she could her body frozen as she saw yang being a cough blood and there is a long blade coming out of her chest she try to move again but she couldn't move she just began to cry while seeing her daughter dieing in front of her again while doing nothing.

( after 100 yang)

ryu was standing in front of the mind broken raven who was crying crazily and saying her daughter is alive and all of this is true.

ryu : you see this is your deepest desire is to be with your daughter now if all of this is dream would go and see your daughter and try to hug her.

raven just nod with frozen face.

ryu: do you even think that they will let sach bad morher who couldn't take care of her daughter to see her.

raven finally lost it and began to beg to see her daughter and she will do everything.

ryu: no I will not let you see her ...( raven face want black as all colour off life want off her)

but I will make you live with her for a week...( raven face became normal but then It returned dark)

raven: but how .

ryu: tai and summer are going for there honeymoon and they need some nanny for a week what do you think.

raven:but how would they agree on me to take care of her .

ryu: first it's them take care of them second they will agree just say yes on working under me. with evil smile he said

raven: right okay anything just I want to see my daughter.

ryu: may it be a good partnership....mahahahaha.
