
New Life Ahead


"So that was real? Cool! So now I can gain strength and kill my way through the world, and become a Martial god" He knows that strength is all he needs to live, and he needs to gain that fast.

He is ecstatic with this new situation he finds himself in, mainly because, when he was a kid he read tons of martial arts novels and found them interesting and wished that he could be like those guys that can crush a mountain with a single palm strike or split the sky with a sword slash, he finds that badass.

"Lets assess the situation" looking down on his new body. "I'm small, weak, and I know nothing about martial arts apart from my own theory's and guesses."

As now he is a little down cast and realizes that although he read a lot of books about martial arts, he doesn't know anything about how to start practicing.

"Fine, Fine, lets think about this later, I need to find a water source to see what I'm working with so I can get a gist on what I need to work on" Looking around him, he sees animals running and jumping on branches around him.

He began walking and looking at his surroundings, taking everything in and all he can say is "Beautiful".

He has a high affinity with nature, so he can see what others overlook.

Green everywhere. Beautiful colors and nicest crawling from the leaves on trees. As he looks around he sees strands of green in the air but ignores for now.

Jin finally found a water source close to the bottom of a mountain, when he looked up at the mountain and notice's that he can't see the top of the mountain and that it pierces the clouds above.

The most crazy thing isn't that the mountain peak pierces the clouds, it's that the bottom half of the mountain in twice as tall as Mt. Everest on earth. He knows this because he was apart of a mountain hiking club and he's scaled up Mt. Everest, It's around 8,800 meters tall, but the half of the mountain that is visible in front of him is about 17,000 meters tall, this seems like.

This single mountain is definitely a part of a chain of mountains. He mentally tells himself

'I'll look into this when I have the strength to jump up there my self'.

Jin walks up to the pond and looks at his reflection. What he sees somewhat surprises him. In front of him is a 5-6 Year old looking child with Shoulder length Brown/red hair, thin eyebrows, clear red eyes and a healthy pale complexion. All he could say is that he is cute, cause' calling himself handsome in a child's body doesn't sit right with him for some reason.

"Now that I no longer look like my past self, I need to change my name, and it has to be a cool and awe inspiring" Slowing down his left mind thinking, he starts using his right send to come up with a name.

. . . . . 

6 minutes later

"I got it! It will be, Shiva Tsukuyomi!" yelled shiva

He got this name from The Hindu God Shiva and the Japanese God Tsukuyomi.

"Alright, now I have a new name, but I have yet to find a place to sit down and digest the information from the wiki and get a head start on my cultivation."

"I'm being negligent" He sighs and looks for a cave.

A little while later, after he finds himself a cave and sits cross-legged.

"Well, lets get started"
