
2nd Day of Battle

Meng walked around the camp of the 5th army, thanks to him and his men harassing Shou Mou during his charge, the 5th army wasn't needed in today's battle. Shou Mou is a powerful General and Meng remembered in the manga that thanks to Shou Mou and Man Goku, the Zhao forces were close to breaking through the right flank the first day.

Meng had already taken care of Man Goku a few days before the battle, now he had to figure out a way to stop Shou Mou. To do this, the first day he had his men focused fire on Shou Mou as he lead his men from the front! but the guy was a monster! and none of their shot got through his defense! so he switched targets and focused on his men instead.

Shou Mou's charge was blunted thanks to the efforts of his mounted archers and they spent the entire battle harassing his men the best that they could, thanks to the brave efforts of Ou Ki hand-picked general who briefly dueled Shou Mou, the Zhao offensive on the right flanks was fought to a draw, with the 5th army not seeing any combat and was held back in reserve.

Meng and his men had received a warm greeting from the troops of the 5th army, many had heard how they managed to ambush Man Goku and how thanks to their efforts some of the villages around Baou had managed to flee to Bayou and seek refuge inside. His men then fought hard to defend Bayou until there were only 350 of them left.

Sadly being too severely injured, 50 of his men had succumbed to their injuries after the battle defending Bayou. Thankfully he had lost none of his 300 men left in today's battle, having successfully skirmished the enemy from a long distance.

As he enjoyed a meal with his men and the troops of the 5th army, he started hearing stories about the Hi Shin Unit! some men claimed that Shin charged the enemy army by himself and claimed the enemy general's head! others claimed that the Hi Shin Unit had racked up over 3,000 kills today! he heard claims that Shin was in fact a young boy, while others claimed he was an old man 7ft tall and wielded two halberds! one in each arm!

Listening to the stories, Meng knew that Shin would start to become famous after today.

(2nd Day)

Mou Bu in the center and the Zhao forces faced off just as they had done the day before, the Zhao deployed their army in the same formation to blunt Mou Bu charge, while Mou Bu charged just like he had done the day before.

The day before Mou Bu despite being stalled only suffered 600 casualties the day before, in the eyes of his men, Mou Bu had spent the whole day leading them against Zhao forces, they spent the whole day on the offense and Zhao had barely even put a dent into them!

Unlike the militia on the left flank, the center had spent the whole day attacking and suffered few casualties! they felt as long as Mou Bu was leading them! that they were unstoppable! the morale of the center army was high!

Mou Bu knew the militia didn't have much experience and were forced to join the war, their morale was at an all-time low, he spent the first day assaulting the enemy but not pushing in too deep. The militia got some training while feeling as if they had just spent the whole day on a one-sided offense against Zhao, they had lost few men, gained confidence in themselves, and now their morale was at an all-time high!

Mou Bu knew that his men were more ready today and quickly broke through the Zhao army front ranks, charging deep into their lines! the militia seeing their general breakthrough the Zhao army as if it was nothing! became even more emboldened! turning into a ferocious mob they surged after their general digging deep into the lines of the Zhao army!

Zhao shifted their men in the rear to bolster the center against Mou Bu charge, while the rest of the reserve surrounded the charging Qin soldiers.

Mou Bu army was now deep into the enemy lines and completely surrounded!

Mou Bu seeing this shouted,



Mou Bu men despite being outnumbered and surrounded! had their morale skyrocket once again! and all charged fearlessly into the enemy surrounding them! berserk wildly! they started pushing the Zhao forces back on all sides.

The raw strength of Mou Bu's forces! was beating the tactics used by the Zhao forces! Zhao was starting to take heavy losses to Mou Bu men. The Zhao General could see that Mou Bu was steadily fighting his way towards him! not wanting to end up dead like yesterday's general he fled the battlefield!

Zhao soldiers seeing their general flee and struggling to hold back the Qin forces, had their morale plummet! then the real slaughter started!

(Right Flank)

Meng and the leaders of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th armies had come up with a plan to deal with Shou Mou.

The battle started much as it had the day before, Meng and his men harassed Shou Mou as he charged, except this time he kited Shou Mou into charging into the center of the 2nd and 3rd armies formation! Meng with Shou Mu hot on his tail! he and his men fled through the army, the men of the 2nd and 3rd armies allowing them to pass.

Shou Mou (POV)

Shou Mou charge was going too well! they had charged deep into the enemy lines and he was close to catching up with those annoying mounted archers! he was about to order the halt of the charge when suddenly they had managed to completely break through the enemy army! his men cheered as they cut the enemy army in half!

Suddenly on his left! he noticed another army as they charged into his men from the left side! then on his right, he noticed rows of foot archers and cavalry! the archers fired into his ranks! while the cavalry charged into his right!

Acting general of Man Goku men watched as Shou Mou charged successfully into the Qin forces! then he noticed that it was a trap and that Shou Mou force was now cut off and surrounded! he ordered his troop to break through the Qin forces and rescue Shou Mou troops!

Meng (POV)

Their plan had worked! 10,000 men of the 5th army were now charging deep into Shou Mou men from the left while the cavalry from the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th armies charged into Shou Mou men from the right! any men who tried to keep charging straight! found themselves targeted by the foot archers and Mengs mounted archers!

Meng rode around the edge of the battle and soon spotted Shou Mou! he ordered his men to focus fire on him! Shou Mou, not one to be beaten by a few volleys of arrows! managed to block them all!

Meng realized that Shou Mou was too strong, and instead focused fire on his horse instead!

Shou Mou (POV)

The battle wasn't going well, he was cut off and surrounded! he was about to flee when his horse suddenly took a few arrows!

Falling onto the ground hard! he struggled to get up. The enemy not missing the opportunity quickly swarmed him! his men bravely fought around him but soon there were too few men left around him!

Having gotten to his feet, he cut a horse and rider in half as he attempted to charge into him! he then quickly turned around as another rider tried to slice him in the back!

Furious he slaughtered the cavalry that tried to charge into him, creating a mountain of bodies around himself!

Then he noticed that the quality of the cavalry changed! then three powerful men attacked him as one!

Meng (POV)

He watched as the generals of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th armies dueled Shou Mou! each general was slightly weaker than Shou Mou but all three of them together were more than enough for him!

One general would keep him occupied from the front while the other two attacked him from the side and rear. They each charged as one and soon left many slashes on Shou Mou's body as they rode past him!

Meng could see that Shou Mou was very weak and rode his men up to him, 300 mounted archers then fired at point-blank range into him! covering his body with arrows!

It took three of Ou Ki's generals and 300 mounted archers to finally kill Shou Mou.

They had just managed to kill Shou Mou in time, soon the acting general of Man Goku men's old men, finally managed to break through and rescue the men cut off.

Having achieved their goal, the Qin general ordered the armies to pull back and retreat for the day. Under an organized retreat, they managed to fall back behind the camps' defenses that they had set up. If Zhao really wanted to continue the battle they would have to fight them while they had a strong defensive position.

Meng hoped that Zhao would attack them, they would be able to inflict heavy casualties on their forces while defending from within the makeshift fortress that they had set up. Sadly the Zhao were demoralized after losing Shou Mou and had pulled back to their own camp, ending the second day of fighting.

Today the center had inflicted heavy losses on the Zhao forces, and the right had fought the enemy to another draw but had claimed the life of the enemy General Shou Mou.
