


"Honestly, there are times I don't trust him, but I do what I have to do because it's my duty to him. This would be the first time I am disobeying him, disregarding his request. Probably because he was vague on why he wanted you before your shift, and why he didn't want you to meet your mother."

"So, if he had explained down to the tiniest detail, you would have captured me for him?" Emma asked, teasing her sister who shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, Emma. All I know is that you mean a lot to me, more than the master. I don't know what that speaks of my personality as a servant."

Emma laughed, happiness shining in her eyes, as she scooted closer to Amelia, making sure to keep the energy in her running around and brimming at the surface should her sister change her mind, and attack her.
