

Aiden had no intention of binding her to him actually, but every instinct in him, everything he was, forced the words out of his soul so that their hearts were one as they were meant to be. Their souls were finally united, their minds one.

But she was not Emma, but looked so much like her, even spoke like her.

Or was this her in the nearest future?

He didn't know. He was confused.

She even allowed his words and the hot strength of his possession to calm her. Her body seemed to melt around his. He took them higher, bending his head to lap at her nipple, his hands cupping her small bottom possessively. She threw back her head, her hair flowing around them, over them, brushing their bare skin so that their flesh burned. She felt as if she truly was where she belonged. She felt wild and free. She felt like a part of him, his other half. 
