

Aiden watched as the familiar werewolf calculated his options, on whether to stay or run. He could tell by the darting of the latter's eyes from Derek to him.

"Hello boys… Now, what is going on? Why are you causing a commotion in the class?" He asked, feigning ignorance on what was actually going on.

But the two guys were mute.

He watched as Emma stepped around them, and approached him.

He didn't know if that was a bad idea or a good one.

Her scent was too alluring. He thought, constraining himself from holding out his hand and grabbing her to him, while making sure to still his nose which seem to want to take an extra sniff whenever he tuned his attention on her.

He almost told her to stay back, but that would make him unfit to settle the differences between the two werewolves.

She walked pass him, and stayed behind him.

She was scared. He could tell, even of her said boyfriend.
