

'Finally..' Emma muttered, breathing out heavily as Derek pulled up the car right in front of her house. Finally, she could eat and rest. Her stomach had been making rumbling sounds since the drive started.

"We're home.." He said heartily, pressing a button on the dashboard which let the car doors unlock.

Emma winced, as she stretched herself a little bit. She really needed to sleep, perhaps before eating. She thought.

Looking sideways, she saw that Derek was already out of the car, with her backpack on his shoulders. He was walking towards her side of the car.

She watched him still as he stopped at her door, winked at her, before opening it.

"Won't you be getting down.. my little witch?" He asked, smiling; his right hand stretched out before her to take.

Emma thought that his smile was the most beautiful she had ever seen. It brought out the tingles that always seemed to love ravaging her body, out.
