

If someone had the technology to beam authentic virtual realities into the minds of billions of people across the solar system without needing any hardware to receive it, then surely they could make a fake video that looks very real to advertise their game. 

People could already think of one way that the fake video could be made. They believe that it was created in the virtual reality game and recorded for them to see. They refused to believe that the video was real.

The Heavenly Corperation did provide a response to these deniers. They said, "Only time will tell."

Taylor saw this and sighed. "Time will indeed tell. But if I don't get on the bandwagon now, it will be too late by the time it becomes certain that the video isn't fake."

He shut down the video and returned to his research for God's Domain. He didn't feel awkward at all that he would be studying so hard for a game because this will not be the first time he is doing such a thing.
