
2 Ocular Monkeys = 1 Viper.

The fight continued, but he wasn't paying much attention to it. He has lost too much of his blood, so his mind is straining to remain conscious. But that isn't why he wasn't paying attention. He was too angry to pay attention. All he saw his red in his vision. His body went through the motions as he hacked and slashed, but he wasn't paying attention. His mind kept replaying the information of their ambush. He needs it to fuel his anger.

42 ocular monkeys fought 20 vipers. He held one down, so 41 ocular monkeys fought 19 vipers. They outnumber their enemies 2 to 1 and even have some left over. But only 3 out of that 41 survived. The ocular monkeys had to sacrifice 2 of their numbers for each Viper that they slayed. It is pitiful, and it is worth getting angry over. 
