
Lame Chapter 4

A few Hours Later…..

Garou stood next to chubby Daniel, who was in his convenience store attire, a white undershirt, and a darkish green shirt.

He was making sure that the losers from before wouldn't try to come back for revenge. What was that guy called, Doo Lee? Anyway, if pointy chin tried anything, the jerk would get the beating of his life.

A few people came by throughout the night, Garou loitering around, buying a bottle of yogurt, and tossing it to Daniel, who meekly nodded.

Later, when no one was around, Daniel spoke up to Garou. "I want to get stronger!" He said, with a determined look on his face.

"Okay. Then do it…." Garou said, scratching his chin.

"Huh?" Daniel was taken aback, thinking his friend would say something scathing or toxic…

"Dunno, do pushups or something….." Garou shrugged his shoulders, deep in thought.

A few minutes later, Daniel clenched his fists, getting on the ground and pressing his hands to the floor, going up and down rapidly, sweat dripping down his face. Garou crouched down, slapping him on the back, who collapsed to the ground, panting for air.

"Dude… Did you pay attention in class?" Garou got down into a plank position, explaining the basics and how not to lower his stomach almost to the floor. "C'mon man… It's like this…." He grabbed Daniel by the legs, pulling them out, and adjusting his stance.

Meanwhile, a woman watched the scene, a little taken aback. The tall grey-haired kid was obviously not bullying him, as the two were laughing and joking with each other good-naturedly, but it was quite rare for someone to have no bias, who wouldn't care. And she was sort of nostalgic as she watched the fat boy trying to work hard and change, like her, many years ago.

Then, Garou perked up for a second, awkwardly scratching his head, before whispering to Daniel loudly, "You have a customer!" Before jumping away as if nothing had happened, instead, going to read a random magazine.

Daniel got up, his face flushing as he hurriedly got behind a counter, looking in wide eyes at the woman before him.

"W-Welcome!" He said hurriedly,

She was tall, with long silky black hair and completely unblemished skin. Wearing a white shirt and a short brown skirt, she was truly beautiful.

They talked for a while, the woman giving him a banana drink, before hurrying off. Garou looked at her, narrowing his eyes.

An actually nice person? Strange. Seoul truly was a strange place….

Daniel drank the banana milk drink or whatever, his face still full of bliss. Garou didn't interrupt and sat on a stool, smirking a little. Someone was actually interested in his friend? Strange….

After a while, Garou looked outside, as Doo Lee and a bunch of other loser delinquents followed, all on their phones, smoking away.

Cracking his knuckles a little, Garou's aura changed a tint, about to go outside and beat the living crap out of them once again… If they tried anything.

Suddenly, another loser entered, his face covered in sweat. It was obviously another low-ranking student, as Doo Lee ordered the poor kid to go inside, and he did, walking through the doorway. Daniel and the other loser looked at each other for a second, both sighing simultaneously. Probably thankful that they were both in the same boat.

Garou watched quietly, as the two stared at each other for a while more, before the new loser/wimp attempted to make a run for it, dashing out the door, but tripped. He truly was a loser…..

Soon, it became a heartfelt, alliance of losers as Daniel pulled up the now known Jiho Park. Seriously, there were honestly more Parks around than Garou could count….

Then out of nowhere, a scratchy voice sounded, "What the hell are you doing!" Doo Lee looked at the two wimps eyes squinting, the pair stared back blankly in terror. Due to having his head smashed against a wall, a few bandages had been wrapped around it.

"Hey….. Get the hell out of here before I bang your head into the concrete. Again." Garou smiled menacingly, walking out of the convenience store, casting a dark shadow over the group of shocked delinquents and the one ugly blond girl, who blushed a little. "Actually…. So you guys don't do anything again… Lemme just beat the crap out of you guys. Not gonna smash your head into the wall…. But still. Imma beat y'all up." Garou sneered, leaping forwards, punching one of the delinquents in the face, who careened to the ground, collapsing.

Doo Lee tried to raise his hands out but was put down with a single blow. Kicking out his leg, it connected with the faces of the ugly delinquent girl and one of the other delinquents, who smashed into each other, falling to the floor with a thump. The last one tried to punch out but had his wrist twisted slightly and punched in the nose, blood spluttering out onto the concrete.
