
Flora ran away?!

One day passed in a swift moment and the day of the wedding arrived.

The entire castle was decorated with flowers for the alliance to be held between a mere human and a vampire, that too the crowned vampire prince.

The corridors were all put in the new candle which was littered with lamps. Not only that, the bride's chamber was precisely decorated with lights, along with the rails of the flowers which she adored the most.

Her unique dress was specially customized by the royal dresser, who was in charge of dressing most of the attires for them.

On the other hand, Alice had already gotten up early in the morning and was ready for the big alliance today.

Everyone's breath was held in their lungs until this alliance went as per they all decided but Alice had the bad intuition in the back of her mind.

Sitting in the front of the mirror, she was perfectly in the daze, when Mary folded her hair into the bun before she pinned it there. Adding to that, she kept a flower in between, as well a silver necklace around her neck.

When she was done, Mary stared at her quiet princess who had not muttered even a single word from the morning. "Princess… Do you want something from you?"

"Uh..hmm what?" Alice rotated her eyes to stare at Mary to which she shook her head, "Sorry.. I was.. thinking about something else. What did you ask?"

"Are you fine Princess?" Mary asked again with evident concern but Alice had no definite answer to this.

She was nervous, doubtful and the negative thoughts gathered in the corner of her mind. It was hard to ignore them, yet she said that without any proof, nothing can be raised or done.

"If the princess wants something, I can get it for you from the Royal kitchen. If you are hungry...or wish to have b-" Alice immediately shook her head.

Her appetite will only return once she sees Flora and that damn monster marrying each other once.

"No need for that. Are we done now?" Alice asked softly when she stared at herself in the mirror.

She found herself wrapped into the pinkish dress she wore and a white shawl over it. It was breathtaking and nevertheless to say, she liked its embroidery too.

When Mary nodded her head, Alice rose from her place to swirl around and see her gown glittering a bit from the corners.

A faint smile curved on her lips when she raised her head, "This is beautiful. You choose the right piece."

"Our Royal dresser designed this, especially for you." Alice knew that the Royal dresser's taste is unique in their clothing and she wasn't surprised that such a deep embroidery was even craved on the shawl.

At last, Alice looked outside of the room to see the sun already rising up another sky, "Hmm...Mary, have you prepared the flowers which I asked you to?"

"As per your order princess, I have got maids to bring the flowers of Crashina Empire, to here. Though it was difficult to do so, it was manageable." Hearing this, Alice smiled.

The Crashina empire was famous for its Flora and she had heard much about it dear flowers.

Moreover, they were said to be the name of the peace and she wished to give them to Flora before she proceeded to walk on the altar.

"Please bring them here."

Within the next few moments, the maids came to give the flowers that were specially brought on her order. They were of light pink color mixed with red and white. Its fragrance gave another level of mental relaxation and it was warming as well. "Perfect for today's occasion.."

Taking the same in her hands, Alice started to walk on the way to Flora's chamber. Throughout the corridor, what's she came across were the soldiers lined up for Flora's safety. It slightly amused her but she never took much concern of the same.

Alice directly walked at a fast pace while keeping these lovely flowers in her hands.

Yet when she knocked on the door of the chamber, she saw the maid opening it with a slight frown, "P-Princess..."

"I was here to see Flora before she leaves for the court. Is she inside?" A soft smile curved on her face when she asked the same.

"P-Princess Flora...well, Princess Alice, if y-" The maid was trying to avoid her at any cost but her words were cut short when a small yell came from her back, "Let Alice come inside!"

It wasn't hard for Alice to guess who had granted the order. It was none other than Mrs. Ira and the maid hesitantly opened the door with a lot of reluctance that surfaced.

Her actions confused her a lot, but she didn't let her smile be impacted. Rather, steppings the chamber, Alice's eyes fell over the space inside of the chamber to find it all empty...with no sight of Flora.

She heard a deep sound when the maid behind her closed the wooden door, to not let anyone have the view from inside. "Flora..Where is Flora, Mrs. Ira?"

"Why can't I see here? is she taking the bath with her maids?" Alice asked the questions for Mrs. Ira whose back faced her.

At this point in time, something was continuously churning inside her stomach, making her heart thrum against her chest.

Lack of response raised her suspicion. Till now, her smile faded and a thin line was added to her forehead.

Things were not the way she supposed them to be..

"Alice..." she heard her name being called by Mrs. Ira, who was still not facing her. "Yes, Mrs. Ira? I asked you, Tell me, where is Flora....?"

Instead of answering her anything, Mrs. Ira simply pointed her finger in the direction of the window on the left.

Straightaway, her gaze moved in that direction where she saw a red scarf fixed to the corner of the dresser.

Immediately, Alice's legs walked in that direction with a hurriedness in her actions. She came nearby to lift the scarf in her hand and saw that it was going down from the window.

Seeing the sight in front of her, made Alice's heart settle in a panic state. "D-Don't..tell me.."

"Flora ran away, Alice.."


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