
Chapter 3 The Test part 1

The day of the test the old smith stopped in early in the morning when only Tect was in stoking the forge and splitting wood. "Tect, I need you to fire the old forge in back for Dennis. I'll take the front and handle the customers. You stay in back with Dennis, while he forges the pick for me." Tect set down the hatchet he was using to split kindling. "Yes sir. I'll get it done at once." "Good lad." the old smith pats Tect on the shoulder before turning and leaving. The old smith has been very good to Tect and he was more than happy to do any job he was asked. Tect took a shovel and wheelbarrow to the coal pile and began to load it immediately. The old forge in the back hadn't been used in a long time. It is too small for the normal workload the old smith had, but it was perfect for Dennis' test. Thankfully Tect had cleaned the forge of dirt and dust every week and maintained the leather bellows so there was very little to do this morning other than to light the forge.

The old forge was very simple it looked like a big table made of brick with a raised edge, in the center is a bowl shaped depression with a hole in the middle covered by a perforated plate. This hole is where the air is forced in and the ash can fall down. Tect placed the kindling over the hole and then spread coal around the edge of the bowl and used some finely shaved wood as tinder to light the kindling. This is a fun process for Tect, the main forge is run almost constantly and never needs relit unless it needs shut down for repairs, this is the one time when Tect gets to feel like a real black smith. Before long Tect has the coal lit and begins to slowly add coal while working the bellows, if he goes too quickly the bricks in the forge may crack from the rapid heating. It is nearly two hours later when the old smith comes back to check on him. "You did a fine job boy. The heat is well distributed too." He waves his hand above the forge feeling for hot and cold spots but finds none.

The bell on the front door tings. "That'll be Dennis now." the old smith goes to the front of the shop. Tect begins to clean the anvil and tools with a wire brush, dirty tools make dirty metal, the old man is meticulous in the cleanliness of the shop and Tect has picked up many of his habits. Dennis walks in as Tect finishes up, "Well Tect, it looks like you'll be taking your orders from me today. I expect you to do exactly as I say when I say it." Dennis had a smug look on his face, it was clear that today was going to be one of the worst days Tect has had in a while. "Since today is a test of my abilities I Want everything to be absolutely perfect. Why don't you go ahead and move the workbench a little further from the forge so i have more room to work." Dennis was loving his new found power, the workbench is very heavy and the master has never requested them to be moved before, partially because the master carefully laid out the work area and carefully measured the distances so that everything would be within arms reach for the average person.

Tect is a good worker though so he did what he was told. Thankfully years of hauling ore, chopping wood, and pumping bellows had made Tect rather strong. With great effort Tect moved one side of the table before moving the other side. Already sweat could be seen beading on his forehead, it was going to be a long day. "Hmmm, no you moved it too far. Move it back some." Dennis was grinning ear to ear like an idiot. Tect once again moved the table this time about halfway back to where it was. "This is even worse, since you can't get it right just move it back to where it was I guess." Tect moved the table for the final time, and sweat is already running down his face. The forge room is hot enough without having to move heavy tables all over the place.
