
That's Kind Of Sad

When the movie was over and they left the theater, Riley sighed. "Sorry for being such a baby back there."

"There's no need to apologize," Dietrian reassured her. "I don't scare easily. Your reaction wasn't abnormal. Did you like the movie other than that part?"

"Mostly, yeah. What about you?"

"I've never seen anything like it," he said honestly.

This clearly wasn't the sort of movie Riley usually watched so he was curious what those would be like. He would have time for at least a few of them tomorrow when she was at work. He could see what they were like then. 

"Oh yeah, you said you didn't watch a lot of movies. I kind of feel like I need to watch something cheerful now as a sort of palate cleanser," she said with a laugh as she pointed to a movie poster. "You want to watch this one? I'll pay this time."

"No need for that. If you want to see it, we can see it no problem."

"But you've paid for everything!" 
