
Stupid Rule

Lieutenant Iris stared at Luis who was sitting in front of her for a while before slowly turning it to Nicole who was sitting on the other seat beside him.

Nicole was beginning to get annoyed as they had been sitting there for about five minutes now and all she had done was look around the room without saying anything.

"I don't know why you are frowning, assistant I didn't force you to come here." The Lieutenant said.

Nicole wanted to say something to her but she had ended up in straightening herself on her seat instead.

Lieutenant Iris smiled at her before slowly turning his gaze to Luis.

"So Luis Miles." She said. "You would have been locked up in an empty room by now if what had happened in there had happened outside."

"Why would you lock me up in a room?" Luis asked. "I'm not the one starting the fights."

"You are right but you are the cause of it or so I thought." The Lieutenant said.

