
Angel Enthusiast

Luis was surprised by how a stranger would just know his name like that, except that this man wasn't a stranger.

Michael Cone was the man who was in charge of the library and he had the names of everyone who had visited the library before, that was the essence of filling the forms he did the first day he came here.

Michael looked to be in his early twenties and was what most girls would consider as charming, but he had this aura around which commanded authority.

"Hello, Luis," Michael said with a smile.

"Hi," Luis said, wondering how this man he had never seen before knew his name.

Michael took a seat opposite him and kept on looking at him.

"What do you want?" Luis asked, dropping the book he was reading, he had suddenly lost interest in what he was reading.

"Come down," Michael said. "I never thought I would meet someone else who loves Angel-related things."

"Angels?" Luis said, raising his book and then looking around the table.
