

After the promise of marriage, Luke and Ayumi talked some more, as gradually, the sun began to rise at the cardinal point opposite the moon. He revealed to her the weird sensations he felt during the fight against Serena and the battle against Nebezial.

Ayumi lifted her head from the pillow, worried, because the fainting of the half-wolf after the first phase had already scared her enough. "And how were those sensations?"

Placing his right hand on his forehead, Luke tried to recall how it really felt. "I don't know... it's hard to describe. The first time I passed out, it was like an ordinary dream. I saw an open field, no flowers, no trees, nothing, just the green grass and the very blue sky."

"A green field? Hmm... have you ever visited a place like that?"

"I believe not. Why?"

"I don't know. The universe is mysterious and maybe if you had ever gone somewhere like that, that could be a message."
