
Chapter 26

"Would you guys care to explain why I'm paying for our bill?" Lorelei was standing in front of the cashier with her two friends beside her, waiting for their turn after the lady in front of them.

Sam shrugged. "You said you'll treat us for lunch when you invited us."

"And that," Amari butted in, "is the reason why were here in the first place. We're busy people too, you know!"

A grimace formed on Sam's face. "As if you have anything to do unless your tasks are due today," he said.

"That's rich coming from you, huh?" Amari countered and rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hush!" Lorelei tried to cut them. "Anyway, I don't remember saying that I'll pay for everything though."

"Well, your memory is wrong then." Amari looked up as if she was trying to reminisce her friend's exact words. "I clearly remember you said you'll treat us though," she defended.

Sam nodded in agreement. "True! And besides, Amari might look like a ninny but she actually has a good memory, the best even, among us."

Amari turned her head to Sam and glowered at him while crossing her arms on her chest. "Should I take flattery or offense to that?"

"I'd say both," Sam gave her a sheepish grin. Amari gave him a thwack in return. She was about to give another one but Sam successfully parried it right on time. The two continued on and on with Amari's attacks and Sam's blocks.

Lorelei couldn't help but chuckle as she stepped forward once the lady in front of them had already left.

"I'll pay through card, please." She smiled at the cashier and handed her the card she just pulled out from her wallet. Their transaction went on smoothly and by the time she was done paying, Sam was already gripping Amari's two forearms (yes, his hands are THAT big -- big enough to hold both of Amari's arms) to prevent her from attacking him again.

"Sam Hwang," Amari warned him, "let me go this instant or else."

Sam shook his head. "Nuh-uh. Not until you promise me you'll stop hitting me." He narrowed his eyes waiting for her to succumb to his proposition.

Amari just groaned, clearly defeated. "Okay, fine! I promise I'll stop already."

Sam narrowed his eyes more, "Are you certain?"

"Do I look like a liar to you?" Amari rolled her eyes. "I never go back on my word and you know that!"

"Okay then." Sam shrugged and then beamed at her. Amari's face was still in a frown.

"Are you two over squabbling?" Lorelei said dryly. She was now crossing her arms, waiting for her friends to stop their drama.

"Don't ask me. It was Amari who started it!" Sam defended himself.

"Shut up, Hwang. You started it!" Amari said with an emphasis on the word "you."

"Gosh. You two really," Lorelei acted as if she'll claw them. "Let's go now! We haven't even purchased our movies tickets."

Amari wrapped arms around Lorelei and then rubbed her cheeks on her shoulder like a cat. "Let's go!"

Lorelei sighed. There was nothing she could do when her best friend started showing tenderness towards her (which she only does when she knows she's at fault or when she's in the mood to do so). Amari was just way too adorable for her to grow impatient.

Sam ruffled the hair of the two. "Alright! To the cinema!" He raised an arm and pointed forward.

"Jeez, Sammy. Not my hair!" Lorelei complained. She tried to sound annoyed (or at least she hoped she did).

The three then made their way to the movie theater.


Upon arrival, the place was already teeming with people. Well, it was understandable though since it is the weekend. It would be more surprising if it is empty. Plus, of course, it should really be packed because the most awaited movie from M Studios has premiered just two days ago. Lorelei was dying to watch it and fortunately, she was able to do so today though she isn't so sure how she'll manage to catch up with her backlogs.

"I'll get the tickets!" Amari volunteered, raising her left hand.

"Ha! Yes!" Sam cheered. He was punching and kicking and whirling his arms to show his thrill.

"I didn't say I'll pay for it though." She gave him a mischievous grin which Sam suspected that she will make him pay for their tickets.

"No," he said outright to stop her from the vile thoughts she had on her head.

Amari laughed, the sort villains do when they are planning their so-called wicked plan. She then yanked his arm, making him follow her on her way.

"We'll be back shortly, Lei!" Amari said. She waved her hand and then continued grabbing Sam towards the ticket booth.

Lorelei raimed standing there. She looked around to see what she could do in the meantime while waiting for her friends' return. And there, she saw the section where they sell food and drinks. She figured she should buy some so that they could save time since the movie will be starting in less than thirty minutes now.

She walked towards the concession stand and placed her order. She ordered three bags of popcorn, one for each of them with different flavors since they like different ones. She also added some drinks to her order and paid for it right after.

"Oh, right. Will it be alright if the caramel flavored one will have to be followed? We were out of caramel and we're still refilling it," the boy in charge of the counter scratched his head.

Lorelei thought he must be new here seeing that he seemed kind of flustered by asking a customer to wait. She gave him an affable smile, hoping it would make him feel at ease. "Sure thing."

After a few minutes of waiting, she heard the boy announce, "One caramel popcorn!" As if on cue, Lorelei stood up from the bench and proceeded back to the counter. The bag was just placed there since the staff was rather busy filling another bag of what seemed like another caramel popcorn.

Lorelei was about to grab it but then another hand reached for it as well. She yanked her hand away, afraid that maybe it wasn't hers, and so did the other person.

"Ah, my bad. I thought it was mine," she apologized and then turned to face the person.

"No, no, no! Don't be sorry. I'm the one who thought it was mine," said the other and faced her as well.

Lorelei's eyes grew wide as she realized who it was. An "Eh?" was all she could blurt out because of her astonishment at that moment.

"Oh?" replied the guy.

"It's you, isn't it?" Lorelei said rather enthusiastically. "Jace Bond not James Bond! Am I right?" she asked, confirming if her guess was right. Well, it probably is since she never forgets a face after all. Plus, how could she forget that witty bio of his SNS account!

He burst out of laughter. "Jeez, how come that's the only thing you could possibly recall about me?"

"But I'm right, right?" Lorelei waited for his affirmation.

"Sure, you are." he chuckled again. "And you're the one with Jace last time, am I right?"

"Gosh, don't you feel awkward saying his name when the two of you have the same one?" she asked back before answering him. "And yes, it's me. What a small world!" Right then and there, her social butterfly side has finally kicked in. When did it not?

It feels rather odd though. She didn't personally know the guy but she already feels like they could be really good friends 'cause he seems friendly enough to her.

"Indeed. Ah, right. I should introduce myself, silly me. I'm Jace. Jace Bond. A friend of Jace Lee." Jace #2 grinned and offered her his hand. Will it be okay to call him Jace #2 though? She thought she better ask him that.

"Lorelei Jung," she smiled back and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, really. You're actually quite famous so I'm flattered to make your acquaintance," Jace #2 said.

Lorelei covered her mouth with one hand. "Really? I didn't quite know that though. Maybe I'm only known, as you put it, since I have friends literally everywhere," she chuckled. "And ah, it's nice to meet you to errr... Jace? Jace number 2? How should I address you?"

"Oh, you can just call me J.B. Being called number feels like I'm only a second option," he replied and then laughed.

"Right! Sorry about that. Nice to meet you, J.B," she said again.

"Ah, I believe this is yours." J.B. handed her the bag of popcorn.

"Thanks but no, really, you can have it," she insisted.

"No, no, you ca-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, the boy from the stall announced again, "One caramel popcorn!"

Both J.B. and Lorelei giggled.

"You can take that one. It's fresher," J.B. said.

"How kind of you. Thanks!" Lorelei beamed at him.

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

Lorelei heard someone calling her name suddenly. She figured it must be Amari looking for her. Gosh, her best friend could sometimes be shameless in public.

"I believe I have to go now, my friend's already calling me. It's nice to meet you!" She bid goodbye. "Oh, and see you around I guess?" she added.

"Same here. I'll see you around," he retorted.

Lorelei then took her leave and made her way to her friends. It was really elating to make a new friend, or maybe it was still an acquaintance, but nonetheless, she was glad to meet someone new. She smiled at the thought.
