
Master of illusions

"Well, that's four down. Six to go." He mumbled, patting the non-existent dust off his shoulder.

He twirled his spear in his hand casually as waves of air shot out in all directions as a result.

The other six beasts were indignant and annoyed. They were sure that they would succeed. But to think they failed, and their opponent teleported away.

They looked at each other and nodded before turning to Tom again. Their eyes were full of determination. The worm barrelled into the ground like a drill and disappeared instantly. The basilisk was staring straight at Tom's eyes trying to petrify him.

Tom could see 5 seconds into the future at any one given time. so, he knew exactly what all of the beasts were doing and what they would do before they even did anything.

He grinned slightly as his white eye began to glow with an increasingly brighter light.

"It's time… for some mind games."

As his words fell on the ears of everyone present, they were all stunned. So stunned that they forgot to move. They stared at the gaping hole in the roof. The entire roof was torn off as the enormous face of a titan appeared. It looked like something out of Norse mythology.

Its giant eyes look down at everyone like a human gazing at ants. Their life and death, completely at the mercy of this being.

Tom's grin widened as he flashed and disappeared instantly from where he stood leaving a crack in the earth and a flash of black light.

Nobody cared for what he was doing since they were too busy panicking over the sudden appearance of such a heaven-defying creature.


Bang! Bang! bang! Babang!

The head of the basilisk, spider, the bat and the two halves of the bee fell to the ground along with the rest of their bodies.

This awoke everyone from their stupor as they observed the results. There was now only the Lethifold and the worm.

Everyone was no longer able to process what was going on. They were very confused, scared and shocked to care about anything. Jenna was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane at the sight of the titan.

Abby was staring at Tom with wide eyes.

Percival had a stupid unresponsive smile on his face.

Fred had a knowing look in his eyes as he stared that Tom's figure.

Robert had fainted at the sight of the severed heads.

And John was holding his shattered mirror tightly in his hands. His entire face was covered in sweat. But a fanatical look was seen in his eyes.

The small stone statue was on the floor against a wall with a horrified expression carved into his face. Complete disbelief coursed through him.

Tom smiled contently and turned to the levitating cape in the air. It looked like a cloak with a hood. It was about one inch thick and was known to be extremely aggressive and violent carnivorous creatures. Yet he couldn't help but think what it would be like to have one as a pet. Something like doctor strange and his odd cape. Maybe he could experiment with that idea later.

He raised a hand and clenched it into a fist as it covered the image of the levitating cloak. Instantly a popping sound could be heard. When he unclenched his hand, he could see, through the cracks between his fingers, torn pieces of thick cloth-like material strew across the air like confetti.

That was the end of the lethifold.

As for the worm, it reminded him of that death worm from that mobile game he used to play in his previous life.

He didn't really feel like waiting around for the thing to attack. for all he knew, it might be cowering somewhere underground.

He placed his palm on the cold dirt surface and sent a ripple of magic into it.


The ground began to shake vigorously as cracks began to appear.

Suddenly, a massive palm made of solid rock emerged. It had its fist closed and dangling from the sides, chunks of the armoured worm could be seen.

The palm continued to ascend before curing and rushing towards the ground as it slowly opened.


The open hand with the worm smashed into the ground blowing a cloud of dust into the air.

As soon as it touched the ground it crumbled like a sandcastle. The chunks of stone littered the ground as the last set of golden particles rose into the air.

There was an uncomfortable silence permeating the entirety of the stadium. It was like you couldn't breathe. Everyone snapped out of their daze and realised they hadn't been breathing by the end. They had simply forgotten to.

Tom looked at his masterpiece and nodded in satisfaction before heading towards the exit in the direction of his group.

"Man, I think I'm getting a bit hungry no gonna lie. Why don't we take a break and get something to eat before heading to the next floor?" he proposed.


There was no response forcing Tom to pause and turn around only to see them looking at him oddly. Like staring at an exotic creature recently added to the zoo. They wanted to prod him and poke at him to see if he was really there with them.

They all turned their head back to where the gaping hole in the roof used to be, only to see it back to normal.

They were even more puzzled now. Some of them even thought they were going crazy.

They turned toward Tom with a questioning look as they gazed at his now blue eyes.

Tom finally understood what the problem was.

He waved his hand and 100 copies of him appeared around everyone present. They all looked exactly like him.

He then smiled.

"Illusions. Nothing more."
