
Go bug someone else

"Look at yourself, lollygagging over the views." Mocked Percival before hurriedly walking next to the person seated at the wooden desk.

"Tch, you sure know how to run fast you little rat! All bark and no bite," I mocked back with a laugh before heading to the desk after him. There, I saw an old man scribbling down on a piece of parchment about who knows what.

When he noticed us, he took a quick look before returning his gaze to the parchment he had never stopped writing on.

"Name, year, house, and order of who ascended the stairs first." He said slowly and in a clearly bored tone.

I stepped forward, "Thomas Knight, second year, no house, and I came first." I announced. The old man stopped writing and looked up at me before raising an eyebrow, "you're new here? Transfer?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Very well then, that explains the lack of house. In that case, you'll be joining the first years for the sorting ceremony. And since you're new, take this card. Don't lose it since it has your points. I have already transferred the 100 points for first place. You may head towards the castle gates through the drawbridge. You need to wait until all other students have arrived before the sorting ceremony begins." He explained briefly before beginning to write again. "Next!" he barked.

I looked at Percival for a moment before walking towards the gate at a slow speed. It didn't take long for Percival to catch up.

"You… got a… lot of points… for first place man." He said in between breaths.

"Is 100 points a lot?" I asked curiously.

Percival nodded vigorously, "Sure is, I only got half the points, and I came in second! 100 points can get you a few good spells. But nothing insane. It's a good start though. You'll probably be able to amass enough points to get most things available by the end of the year. But since you're not staying for that long, you probably won't get too many sadly." He explained.

I nodded in understanding, "How much for the Piertotum Locomotor charm??" I asked.

"Damn, that's a rare charm man, you'll need 250 points for that one." He said with a helpless expression. I didn't really know how hard it was to earn points yet. Percival said it was hard, but I would only find out how hard when classes started.

We soon crossed the long drawbridge and arrived at the towering wooden gates. I then realised that it would be a very long time before everyone else would get here and I really didn't want to waste time. It seemed my previous thought was wrong. so, with a snap of my fingers, a wave of invisible magic rippled out into the distance.


Back in the colosseum, some staff members were hard at work unfreezing the students. They couldn't be too fast since it may cause harm to the student. They had only gone through 200 by the time Tom had accepted his points.

They were worried that the students would freeze to death, and just as they were about to contact the headmistress, all the ice in the vicinity began to unfreeze at a rapid pace as steam began to rise from the frozen students.

The professors were worried that something bad would happen, but when they saw that the students were not only not wet but were conscious and looking around in confusion, it puzzled the staff.


The sound startled the teachers and they turned around to see the headmistress.

"Headmistress, do you know what caused this?" a woman asked.

"It was the boy. He's doesn't want to be bored waiting by the gates of the castle, so he unfroze the students," she said with a chuckle. The teachers were left with their mouths agape as they stared at the top of the stairs.

The students didn't have a clue about what was happening until they were informed. Every single one of them became infuriated by Tom's actions and requested that he be punished.

The headmistress raised her hand and silenced the crowd, "I understand your anger, but he did nothing wrong. It was all within the rules of the game. It is only due to your negligence and closed-mindedness that you did not foresee such an event. After all, when did the rules ever state that you couldn't attack fellow students with nonlethal spells and charms?" she asked the silent crowd.

"If anything, you should be grateful, he has taught you a valuable lesson. Broaden your horizons and think outside of the box. Examine the rules and try to cheat the system through loopholes." She said with a smile and disaparated.

All the students stood there in silence and thought about her words. It was only a while later that they snapped out of it and looked up at the stairs with determination. The race was still on for the top ten. Only they got points after all. They all looked at each other and a massive battle raged on.

It was only an hour later that the top ten were decided. They walked towards the gate where two students were sleeping carelessly against the gate. Pixies and little animals were all over Tom as he slept peacefully.

They all looked at each other before one of them stepped forward and looked at the two with a frown.

"Which one of you two is Thomas Knight, first to finish." He said sternly. But his words fell on deaf ears as Tom simply scratched his hair and kept snoring away. Percival was drooling like an idiot as he mumbled, 'no don't do that… be gentle, not so fast.'

His words made the girls frown intensely and the boys began to blush slightly. The atmosphere was awkward. The boy who was talking before grimaced slightly and stepped forward and kicked Percival's leg slightly.

Percival awoke from his dream with a jolt and looked up to see an older boy looking at him with a frown. But to the surprise of everyone, Percival waved him off, "Fuck off man, you woke me up from my amazing dream. Go bug someone else!"
