
Chapter 3 - Breaking the Limit (4) [Edited]

Anyway, I assumed that I would still be attending Ousei Academy as a full scholarship student.

Putting that aside, dinner came, and I made venison steak, vegetable salad, and tomato juice. My stats went up by 1,000 points after eating my meal.

After that, I went to Argena to use the portable bath I got from the Crystal Deer. I installed it on the empty spot in the backyard of the Zenovis' House.

Once I finished installing it, I stared at the roofless building in front of me in wonder. Even though I've experienced strange things since my transmigration to this new life, new things like this are still able to amaze me.

But, that's beside the point. I entered the roofless building and went to the locker room.

On the way, I noticed the smooth and clean floor, which was made from the same material as the walls. It looks like wood, yet when I touch it, it feels like marble.

Putting all that aside, I arrived at the locker room. Then, I took off my clothes here, but there was no towel…

Oh, well, I did not mind going naked here. Besides, I was alone, so I had no reason to feel embarrassed.

Moreover, I'm hot and sexy!

There's no reason to be ashamed of my own nudity!

Hopefully, this doesn't turn me into a nudist!

Anyway, as I took off my clothes, I remembered that I had always worn the same things since I got them on day one. Granted, they were always clean and felt extremely comfortable.

Even so, I required variations in my life. I was still a teenager, and I wanted to wear cool and amazing clothes.

'Gotta visit a department store when Miwa has her photoshoot, so I can trigger her flag as well.

Miwa was one of the female characters in the original stories. She was a model and a few years older than the original protagonist.

Miwa was her alias in the entertainment industry. Her real name was Hideyuki Miu.

She was one of the girls I wanted to seduce and conquer in this world.

...come to think of it, the number of female characters with significant screen time I wanted to capture was surprisingly high.

Kaori, Lexia, Luna, Yuti, Iris, Miu, Kaede, Mai, Merl, etc… Holy shit! It was around a dozen!

With that number, did I really need to capture female characters from other series too?!

Oh, well, I will let the future me deal with this matter. For now, I must enjoy my luxurious Jacuzzi.

I enjoyed my bath quietly. At the same time, my mind wandered off until I got an idea, a brilliant one if I had to say so myself.

"Maybe I can get another one! One for this house and another one for my house on Earth! No, I'm gonna get two more. The last one is for emergencies when I'm outside. Alright, I'm gonna hunt more Crystal Deers and get another two sets when I am free!"

After that, I continued enjoying the bath while staring at the beautiful night sky of Argena. Unlike the Earth, this world did not have pollution, so the view of the night sky was clear and beautiful.

I enjoyed the wonderful sight of colorful stars while leaning my back on the wall and resting my arms on the edge of the bath behind me. It was then that I remembered my plan to do some experiments with status and Evolution Magic.

I decided that there was no better time to do it than then. I closed my eyes and concentrated on utilizing Evolution Magic to the fullest.

However, once I connected myself to my "database" in the Akashic Records, I was overwhelmed by the information overload that assaulted me. Even though the maximum output of my mental capabilities was 5,500 times that of ordinary people, it was not enough to process the whole information that overwhelmed me.

And the funny thing was that the information was only about me. Or to be precise, they were the information of the being known as Yuuya Tenjou, both present, past, and countless future predictions.

I wasn't able to process my own information easily, so processing something else was beyond my capability right now. Fortunately, Pain Tolerance helped me endure the head-splitting headache that attacked me mercilessly.

After that, I used Akashic Search Engine to narrow down the information that flooded me, focusing on my INT. Piggybacking Akashic Search Engine was the correct choice I made as I could feel the stream of information stopped overwhelming me.

With clarity returning to me, I immediately tried to increase my INT. It was then that I realized that increasing stats was easy… at least, for me.

It was easy because I had immeasurable MAG to power the process. If it was someone else in my position, they would not have enough magic power to raise their stats easily.

Speaking of my MAG, when I took a quick glance at it, I found that it had too many digits. I realized how the Magic Power Generator did not create one unit of magic power per second, and it was actually doubling the amount of my magic power per second.

It reminded me of a certain life-form that reproduced itself with division...

Putting all that aside, I increased my INT until it became immeasurable on the status display.

Turns out, stats became immeasurable after surpassing 999,999 points.

Once I broke the limit of my INT, I tried to make its constant growth passive. In the end, I succeeded.

After that, I changed my focus on the other stats.

The next one was LUC, after that was AGI, then it was DEF, and ATK was the last. I also made their growth passive just like INT.

Once I was done with my stats, I increased the information of my Level until it became immeasurable on the status display after surpassing Level 9,999. However, I did not make it grow passively like my stats.

I did that because I wanted my Level to be immeasurable. There was no other reason other than to look cool.

Once I finished breaking the limit, I cut off my connection with Akashic Records. When my awareness returned back to the luxurious Jacuzzi, I breathed out loudly.

It was a terrifying experience, but it was also exhilarating. All in all, it was fun and exciting, the bothersome headache in the beginning notwithstanding.

After that, I analyzed my status to see the changes.



Name: Yuuya Tenjou (?? ??)

Race: Transcendent Human

Occupation: Assassin

Level: —

MAG: —

ATK: —

DEF: —

AGI: —

INT: —

LUC: —

BP: —


• Ability Creation

• Instant Recovery

• Pain Tolerance

• Magic Power Generator

• Magic Power Control

• Magic Power Concealment

• Analysis

• Appraisal

• Endurance

• Item Box

• Language Comprehension

• Fast Reading

• Physical Enchantment

• Instant Comprehension

• True Martial Art: Lv MAX

• Hentai Protagonist

• Perfect Acting

• Cooking: Lv MAX

• Creation Magic

• Metamorphosis Magic

• Gravity Magic

• Spirit Magic

• Space Magic

• Time Magic

• Evolution Magic

• Concept Magic

• Akashic Search Engine

• Perfect Concealment

• Presence Detection

• Weakness Detection

• BP Boost

• World Travel


• ROB's Victim

• Master of the Door

• Master of the House

• Otherworlder

• Person who Visited a Different World for the First Time

• Limit Breaker

• Transcendent

• Ultimate Cheater


All my stats were shown as (—), just like my MAG, signifying their immeasurable state on the status display. In addition, my race had changed to Transcendent Human.

On top of that, I got three titles: Limit Breaker, Transcendent, and Ultimate Cheater. Their descriptions were as follows:


[Limit Breaker: A title given to someone who broke the limit of the mortals. You have lost the ability to level up and gain BP as you stand above such concepts.]


[Transcendent: A title given to someone who transcended the absolute limit. This skill makes you stop growing old.]


[Ultimate Cheater: A title given to someone who cheated their way to break the limit.]


My lips twitched. That last title made me feel annoyed.


The first title didn't give me any benefit other than a bragging right. In fact, I lost something, namely the ability to level up and gain BP...

Not like I need it anymore.

The second title was the best of the three titles I obtained. It made me stop aging, meaning that I've become immortal.

Of course, it doesn't mean that I'm undying. I'm still able to die if I am killed!

However, I'm sure that I can create a skill to revive from death later.

Putting all that aside, let's move on to the last title. To tell you the truth, it was an eyesore.

I tried to erase it several times but stopped trying after it kept popping up. It was as if it was the payback of the universe itself from my cheating to break the limit.

I realized that I had been soaking for a long time. I decided to finish bathing, put on my clothes, and returned to Earth after retrieving the portable bathtub.

Length: 1,500 words.

Revision Date: Nov 4, 2021.

Eromarucreators' thoughts