
He Was Left Dry

Had she ever had sex in the open? Of course, she hadn't, but that doesn't mean she wasn't open to the idea of it. Mimi was a hot-blooded twenty-first-century woman and she would sign up for any adventure that made her heart race. Moreover, she would give a good show to whoever decided to watch them. 

So Mimi bit her lower lips sensually and Victor felt his groin tighten. She said to him, "I could always try it with you," Mimi smirked, giving consent and a smile bloomed over his face.

At once, Victor carried her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked forward with her and pushed her up against one of the trees outside. The sharp pain dug into her back but Mimi was not complaining, she had always been a fan of quick and rough sex. 
