
You Can Never Leave

Marcel was right, her days of being treated like a princess were over as evidenced by the poor room she was currently settling in.

The room smelled musty and stale while the green paint was dirtied and peeling from years of neglect. There was just a small window for ventilation so the thought of escaping through it was squashed forever - it wasn't large enough for her to go through, plus the fact it was barred. 

It was hard to believe that this kind of room was available because her previous "prisons" were beautiful and luxurious. It became obvious that this mansion was renovated with additional structures mounted - this must be one of the former rooms. No wonder. 

There was a small bathroom and a toilet at the end and Arianna had to admit, it was nothing to write home about. She just hoped Marcel would be kind enough to send covers because she had a feeling she was at ground level and it would be cold at night. 
