
Revenge Was Best Served Tasty And Bountiful

Robert thought he left unnoticed, however, his wife noticed when he left. And with his absence, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

She must have been crazy to have married that man in the first place, but then, what woman in her right mind would reject a man with money. And honestly, Robert hasn't been like that in the beginning. 

When they had met, he was very sweet, loving, and kind, although she knew he had anger management issues and witnessed it, not once not twice. 

Yet she thought that with time he would change, but that remained a Piper's dream. Robert's anger only grew with his unhealthy resolve to unseat Daniel and his heir from the boss position. And her once loving husband turned into someone she couldn't recognize anymore. So here they are stuck in a loveless marriage - and she couldn't let go of Robert because of the benefits and the risks with it. 
