
Regular Routine

**One Chapter Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays Starting Now**


"You fucking twat how did you find me?!"

"This is total utter bullshit!"

"What the fuck just happened here?!"

I continue laughing to hear my friends shout in my headphones as they complain about me killing all of them with one grenade.

"Hacks. Complete hacks."

"How the fuck was that me hacking?! Maybe you all just suck ass and admit that I'm the best player." Voices erupted with anger which made me laugh even more than before.

"Wait a minute, isn't Celestial considered a professional player after coming in fourth place at the tournament in Germany? So how the fuck did I kill him first?" Now everyone was laughing and poking fun at Celestial for losing first out of the group.

"He makes a good point."

"Shut up Scythe! I just let Adrian win so he can be happy." Celestial said to cover his shame.

"You do realize that Adrian just started playing PC two months ago and he kills you first on the first phase! Not to mention you have years and hours of experience in Valorant!" Scythe yells, making me laugh harder along with other people. "And he only has what, twenty hours?"

"Thirty" I corrected my friend. This is honestly too much for me to handle. Especially hearing these guys bicker back and forth like an old married couple about me winning on solo.

At least this is one thing I enjoy doing inside my apartment. My laughter died down and the guys decided to play another round against me to see if it would happen again me winning. "Can I just join Adrian?"

"No. No one is joining Adrian for this round, Synth."

"But I want to win." Synth answers, making Scythe jumble his own words in his mouth. "We can win. We just have to believe in ourselves and that Adrian will lose this round because he's a fucking twat." Scythe says.

"Fuck you, Scythe. Are all British people this bitter?" I asked.

"Its only Scythe since he's a bitter old man." Celestial answers, making me chuckle once more. After our final round I came out victorious once more which pissed them off even more. We all said our goodbyes with that round and leave the server of the game.

"Alright guys that's Valorant with friends. To be honest I wasn't expecting to join them since it's only four in a group and as well me having a chance on being in a different server but it worked out fine. Um, just a heads up I might not be streaming for a couple of days or a week or two cause I am going out. Thanks for tuning in and see ya." I say and turn off my computer and make sure I'm not streaming or recording.

Only four months passed and now I'm back to working once more. Where am I going this time? A beeping sound came from my bed to see my small communicator flickering blue light from the center.

"Answer call."

A holograph of a hooded man appear as I face away to avoid anyone seeing me. "So you are the famous mercenary I've heard about." Male, maybe in his thirties, thick African accent.

Maybe Egypt? Chad? Knowing I won't answer back the person sighs and says,

"I welcome the Shogun."

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, covering my face with my mask to hide my voice. I stand up and pick up my communicator to face the hologram.

With this device, there's no way anyone can track me down making it easier for me to stay hidden for good.

"Tell me, do you know the place call Wakanda?"

Wakanda? The location of the Black Panther?

"I'm aware. What is it that you need?" I asked.


"The Black Panther has the material in his city to use for weapons. With the location now open to the public, I need someone to get in and get out. My face is now well known in Wakanda and a wanted person," he explained further.

Another hologram appear next to him, showing me blueprints of the once hidden city.

"Where is the Vibranium?"

A red dot appears on the blueprint, "In the laboratory. They have made some sort of new armor for the arms for their warriors. A prototype of some sort."

Now that has caught my attention. The blueprints were replace to a 3D picture of a metal arm with claws as fingers.

"Not only do I want you to retrieve the Vibranium," This man is a fool. "Get the weapon and the blueprints. Delete all the information they have on this weapon. Do you have transportation?"

"Give me three days." is all I said. The man gave me info on where to meet once I got what he asked and where I get paid.

The communicator turned off the call and turns back on once more to show where that call came from. "Alright," I crack my knuckles, "Let's see who you are."


"Not much information on this person besides it being a male. We've recently discovered that three months ago." Fury explains about the mercenary on the screen that has his wolf mask on.

His gray blue eye are the only thing everyone can see. The hood of his outfit covers the back of his hair and his midnight purple hair sticks out from the left side of his face.

"So why are we being brought into this?" Tony asked.

"According to my agents, they say he is a mercenary. A person who goes around do the dirty work of whoever hires him. Some are harmless, some dealt with people dying, killed, and even massacre." Fury finished his explanation making the room tense and cold.

More images appear of the map to show where the mercenary has been.

"Been around the world in fifty countries, all seven continents, over one hundred cities. No info of his real name so we have decided for the code name: Shogun. Agent Barton, report."

Clint Barton stands up and winces in pain from his previous injuries but refuses to sit down.

"From what we have gathered on our last mission, it is difficult to actually get to talk to Shogun. There are no connections or friends to him and he only leaves behind hints and clues for those who want to talk to him. It took us three months-"

"Three months? To find one person?" Steve interrupted Clint's report.

Clint sighs, "He proves to be a difficult person to find. If we want to capture him, we need an alibi. By the time we found him in Canada, we thought we had the upper hand." Clint shakes his head to forget the memory.

"Instead, Shogun has the upper hand. Took down the entire team with some sort of bullets to knock them unconscious and myself."

"Then why come back looking black and blue?"

"Shogun attacked us. Two hours later I regain conscious to see Shogun taking all our equipment and weapons," A video was now displayed on the screen.

It plays showing Shogun walking around the computer room and collecting or throwing things he needs.

Footsteps and shouts can be heard outside the room only to be the S.H.I.E.L.D agents coming back to attack. Shogun drops everything and runs out to fight the agents.

A minute after Clint woke up groggily and heard the shouting. Quickly racing towards the scene he later came back by being thrown to the camera and the video cuts out.

Silence took over once more after seeing the video stop abruptly. Fury sighs and looks towards the Avengers, "Which is exactly why I want you all to capture him and bring him to us."

"Sir, this isn't the only problem we have." Clint interrupts Fury. "He knew who I was. Not just as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, but even about my family, where I live. Everything!"

"He knows the Avengers, our own identities-"

"Excuse me," Tony cuts in, "But I'm famous. Of course she knows me!"

"He mentioned your parents and who specifically killed them. Info about Nat's past, Banner's life before Hulk." Clint explains. "He's no ordinary mercenary!"

Now everyone is sure the person they are facing isn't someone they can't doubt.

If Shogun was able to escape from S.H.I.E.L.D's grasp and take down one of their top agents, what else can he do?

This is something they haven't dealt with before and it baffles the minds of many of how much struggle there is to capture one person.

"Which is why I want you all to go and capture him before I send out a manhunt after Shogun. None of my agents have been killed, but who knows when that will happen. All we know so far is that Shogun is wanted and the president wants us to get to him before he slips away once more."

"Agent Romanoff, have you found him?"

Natasha stands up and nods her head, "I have the information we need to trap him if we must. One of our agents was able to contact him, Around two days ago, and have him do a job at a location he can't escape. The next location is Wakanda."

"Wakanda? Where T'Challa is from?" Banner questions.

"Yes. T'Challa agreed to help to capture the mercenary. But we must move quickly as well. He gave vague info about Vibranium and a top secret weapon they are working on. If he gets his hands on those, who knows what kind of destruction he can do." Natasha says with concern.

"Then we must move quickly! Avengers, your first location is Wakanda! Your objective is to capture Shogun!"

1631 Words

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