
Chapter 11: Hydra Base

(A/N Sorry for not posting have not been feeling the best. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Ardyn picked up the dagger and tossed it a knife to where it came from. Ardyn smiled "Try to keep up Kitty."

Laura smirked "You will be the one falling behind."

Ardyn and Laura both jumped off the roof heading towards the bar. Ardyn had kicked the door down and Laura immediately went for the bartender who was already trying to grab a shotgun. However when he pulled it out and looked back up both of Laura's blades on her right hand went through each of his eyes.

Ardyn then quickly scanned everyone's blood in the room. Ardyn had learned over time that all Hydra agents have similar blood. As each are given a fake super soldier serum. Ardyn thought 'We'll not a fake but the best they could make. Might as well be a fake.'

Ardyn noticed all but two had the serum in them out of 10 people in the bar. Ardyn sighed "Better to just kill them all."

Ardyn focused on his blood magic and was focusing on the guy Laura just killed. He opened his palm and swiped it across his body. The guy who Laura killed had his whole body drained as was seemed like hundreds of mini daggers were made at the blood that stabbed everyone who was still alive.

Ardyn then knew everyone was dead he turned to Laura who seemed shocked. Ardyn smirked "Like I said try to keep up."

After that Anna and Talia came in once the commotion was down. Talia started to chuckle "What a bloody mess."

Anna nodded "Wish I could have seen it."

Laura wiped her claws clean "So what's next?"

Ardyn smiled "Next we go down the hatch that is behind the bar counter."

They had already gotten the schematics for the building. As Hydra members are forced to perfectly memorize their bases. Matching the two people that they tortured descriptions of the base they were able to make a general layout.

This base in particular was not very big. There was still a lab an a prisoner area as well. The plan overall was to blow the base up. However they would try to save who they could.

Ardyn smiled "Okay for this next part once we go down the hatch. Laura, Talia, and Anna. You three go together and kill everyone you can in the lab and base. I will go to the prisoner section kill the guards and see if anyone is still alive."

The three then split up. Ardyn was making his way to the prison section easily killing people on the way. Ardyn had finally made it to the prisoner section and could not believe what he saw.

There were many prisoners who were well beyond saving. Ardyn went up to all of them and inspected them as best as he could. While they were still alive many had no sign of high brain activity. They were just there staring blankly into the ceiling or the wall.

Many of the areas were covered in a white substance. Ardyn knew what it was. A lot of anger was building up inside him. Even some of the men prisoners rooms were covered in the white substance. Ardyn decided to put each of one out of their misery. Not a single prisoner was able to be saved. Each one even died with a smile on their face.

Ardyn was extremely happy "Thank God I was the only one that went this way. I don't know how the rest would react but I bet Anna already knows deeply all about this. Same with Laura still it would be better if they did not know."

Ardyn activated his fire based materia and set fire to each room in the prison burning all the evidence. Many of the hydra agents were burning alive as well. Ardyn would only immobilize them. Then he decided to burn them alive after seeing what was going on in here.

Ardyn sighed as he kept walking back to where they originally split up. He left a trail of gasoline as there was conveniently a couple barrels from where he was at. He then just sat there waiting for the other three. It started to take them awhile but Ardyn was not too worried after all he had blood tags on all three. Without them knowing as well.

Talia has had one on her for a long time. Ardyn put that on her as soon as he got the ability. He put one on Anna after the incident with hydra. Then he put one on Laura before they entered the bar.

Ardyn was getting impatient so he started to head to where the girls went. He was walking down the way and saw corpses of hydra agents and scientist. Some were quick kills others he could tell had a lot of hate behind them. He could tell some were Anna's as some of the bodies seemed mummified like they were drained of life.

Ardyn then heard fighting up ahead and started to run to make sure everything was fine. What he saw then surprised him all the hydra agents were dead but there was one man in a white outfit who was fighting the three girls head on. Ardyn smiled 'Taskmaster must have followed in after us.'

Ardyn looked at him and noticed he was wearing a skull mask. He had a bow an arrows. A sword a sheild. Ardyn could also tell he head some hidden weapons on his gauntlets.

Taskmaster started to swing down his sword on Anna. Ardyn activated his lighting and earth materia at the same time. The lighting was to help give him a speed boost. The earth materia shook the ground where taskmaster was making him lose his balance becuase of the surprise. However he was so skilled that his swing was still heading towards Anna.

Ardyn however got there in time to deflect the strike.

Ardyn smirked "Are you three really struggling against one man."

Laura face was red in anger "He copies all our moves. I don't know how but it's hard to keep up."

Talia nodded "Yeah even league of assassins moves that take years to master he did it like it was nothing."

Ardyn turned around to see Anna on her ass and bleeding from fighting the guy. Ardyn just looked down "You good."

Anna nodded "Yeah he is honestly just more skilled then me."

Laura rolled her eyes "Whatever."

Ardyn then turned to Taskmaster "Hey Anthony how about you join us."

Talia widen her eyes "You know him."

Ardyn nodded "Read his information from a hydra database."

Taskmaster was being silent but said "Your an enemy of hydra?"

Ardyn smiled "Yeah definitely that's why we were here to destroy this base."

Taskmaster seemed hesitant "I can't be on a team."

Ardyn frowned "Why not?"

Taskmaster shook his head "Let's just say there is so much information in my brain that I won't even remember this conversation next week."

Ardyn nodded "I get that. I know you steal a lot and are just in general a crook. But I also know that you don't out right murder innocent people. Also I know you hate hydra a lot. So let's make a bet."

Taskmaster tilted his head "A bet?"

Ardyn nodded "If I win you join us and I can help with the memory thing. If you win we let you leave alive."

Taskmaster scoffed "You think you can kill me."

Ardyn nodded "Yeah it's prt of the bet."

Taskmaster asked "What's the bet?"

Ardyn smiled "If you can either keep up with me or my moves you win. However if you can not copy then you join us or you die."

Taskmaster sighed "Deal it does not sound like I have much of choice. I can tell you want to fight either way."

Ardyn nodded and then turned to Anna "Anna this is really important before I kill him I need you to drain as much energy as you can from me."

Ardyn then turned to Laura "Try to hold me down as well. You do weigh alot."

Laura gnarled "You son of a b…."

Ardyn already turned around and cut his palm with his own sword and started to drink his own blood.

Talias eyes widen "No!!!"

Ardyn smiled as he growled out "You better be ready Anthony."

Ardyn's skin started to turn black as a single black wing started to fork on his right side. He carried his sword in his right hand as he crouched down putting his left hand on the floor. He looked almost feral for a moment. He launched towards Taskmaster and swung his sword.

He then appeared behind Taskmaster however he was looking at his sword. To his surprise there was no blood on it because he missed. He started to look at the sword strangely as if it was the swords fault. When he turned back around everyone saw his eyes. They were a dark crimson red with black iris. He then launched again at taskmaster.

This time their swords collided and were put in a slight stalemate for a second until Ardyn started to over power him. Taskmaster then skillfully shifted his weight causing Ardyn to go in a different direction. Taskmaster found it was impossible to copy him the next second because Ardyn began jumping around the room and dashing towards causing cute to appear over his body as if Ardyn was playing with him. At any point Ardyn could have killed him but didn't.

Taskmaster gritted his teeth "I give up."

Talia shouted "Hurry Anna and Laura stop him."

Talia fire a dagger at Ardyn as he was jumping around Ardyn had to stop to become able to block it. Laura then tackled him to the ground. However while Laura did slow him down he was too strong for her to hold him down. Luckily Anna ran over and grabbed both his wrist.

Ardyn started to scream but Anna held on. It took a long time a total of an hour before Ardyn passed out.
