
Jolly tuning, Grandma Flores and Alex

Chapter - 71

When Alex got off of the taxi, it had started to get dark. Paying his fare, he was about to hop his way to his house when he decided to have a look at his bike first. Jumping on one leg, Alex made his way to Margaret's fence to peek if his bike was there, and there it was, parked on the doorway to Margaret's home. Finally, something good has happened, otherwise, the day was nothing but torture for him, but then he remembered Annie, the little angel and the sourness on his face turned into a smile.

"Mrs Flores... Mrs Flores," Alex called out for their housekeeper as soon as he walked into the house. He didn't have much hope, but he still called out for her.

"What is it? Why are you screaming your lungs out first thing returning home?" Mrs Flore's voice came out from the kitchen.

"Can you get me an ice pack first?" He requested her.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?" Mrs Flores asked when she came out of the kitchen and saw Alex limping on one leg.
