
The Sage of Six Paths

作者: Ken_Harvick
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  • 7 章
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  • NO.200+

Jaune Arc had a passion of becoming a huntsmen, a warrior that defended the light but no one believed in his dream until one day, the young man came across a sealed cave containing an ancient monster of history, now the demonic creature is bound to the young man and must help him achieve his ambitions no matter how different remnant became from the ashes of the Shinobi World

10 標籤
Chapter 1Chapter 1: The Blood

Chapter 1: The Blood

Note: alright my doods! Here is another story for y'all and it's different then what you usually see.

You see, I've been reading a lot of naruto FanFiction and been dealing with making my own Naruto/Rwby Crossover and I got curious about the Ten Tails Power when utilized by a Jinchuriki and that what led me to Hagaromo, the first Jinchuriki and I decided to base a story on that.

So I won't really say much but to enjoy the story, if you have ideas for powerful enemies then proceed to tell me because obviously jaune throughout the progression of his power will continue to grow since he will possess the first wielder of chakra in his body.

So I would like ideas of ocs to be similarly strong to give him a challenge.

This story is made between me and my co author @unlimitedblades and is beta read by my boy @ZergPsycho.

Show this story some love, me and my friends work hard to bring you guys great content.



"Demon Speech"

'Demon Thoughts'


In the outskirts of Ansel, a village that has been set up on the outside of the Mistral kingdom.

A blonde man was seemingly jogging through the thick trees and jungles without much care for the wilderness which is for good reason since Ansel was much larger than your average frontier village.

Several Huntsmen live in Ansel which would mean that with numerous protectors that defend the village against monsters known as Creatures of Grimm, Ansel grew much larger than it was expected for a village outside of the four kingdoms of remnant.

Huntsmen were trained protectors of the light, trained by one of the four kingdoms to defeat grimm.

Jaune Arc had always dreamed to be the hero that he knew he could be, to be the hero that his father is.

But unfortunately Author Arc, Jaune Arc's Father, has been less than pleased knowing that his only son out of 7 Daughters so the huntsman father did whatever he could to instill doubt into his only son's heart that being a hunter wasn't the dream he should pursue.

But the blonde kid wouldn't shake from his dream to be the hero that his father and grandfather was, even if he has to achieve such a dream on his own.

Jaune Arc was jogging in the outskirts of Ansel trying to cool himself off after a particularly nasty argument he had with his dad especially since neither of them wanted to back down, thanks to the known Arc Stubbornness, such fight nearly got physical until the Matriarch of the family, June Arc, to get both men to settle down but agreed that being a huntsman was to dangerous for the meek blonde boy.

The Blonde Man hated that both of his parents believed he didn't have what it took to be a hero but no matter what, he won't stop from trying to achieve his dream.

Jaune continued his brisk and cooling jog in the forest until he slowly skids to a stop to find what looked like an entrance to a cave that he was pretty sure wasn't there last week 'how did I miss this? This cave looks ancient' which it did, the rocky entrance was incredibly mossy and was covered from head to toe in vines and other flora.

Jaune was torn between returning home to begin packing to disappear in the night and exploring the cave to figure out what's inside it. The aspiring hero felt like there was something in the cave that's worth investigating, similar to a gut feeling.

The 17 Year Old shrugged to himself seeing as it wouldn't make much of a difference since he planned on leaving during the night so spending a few minutes exploring a relatively unknown cave.

So the blonde man goes into the opening of the cave trying to blink through the darkness that the tunnel provided which was to be expected 'Geez, I can't see anything. Maybe I should've gone back and grabbed a flashlig-' a sudden surge of light caused Jaune's thought process to stop.

The light source came from a lit torch located on the right, next to an..unchained iron door with a series of writing on the left, the writing looked like to be an ancient form of Mistralian Kanji, something that the blonde man would have no knowledge of what it meant.

Yet in his mind, they made sense, reformatting for his mind to know what they've left which caused Jaune to feel frightened.

"Let this place be forgotten forever.

Let it be struck from the rolls of history.

Let it never be spoken of by man or mer.

Let it's very name be lost to the ages.

Ye who enters here, know:

This place was sealed at a great price.

Honor those who perish here.

Turn back and leave them to rest."

Jaune felt a deep and cold shiver down his full spine as he understood the deep message hidden underneath these words, something bad must've been put behind this door.

It felt extremely disrespectful to those who had sealed away whatever they did to just enter the room, but Jaune's curiosity was growing and whatever was behind said do seemed to have the capacity to kill him with ease.

Jaune slowly approached the iron door then grabbed its metal handle to open it slowly, the blonde man was extremely cautious and highly tense with a strong flight response ready.

Upon entering the now open/unsealed room, it was a brightly lit altar looking room with the only object within it was an ancient pouring vase on top of an altar stone.

'Oookay, this is just went 0 to fucking creepy in an instant…what the hell is even inside that vase? I doubt it's water' Jaune thought to himself while ending up thinking what was inside the vase, and it was true because water didn't exude a heavy iron smell, something else gave that smell and the whole situation started to go south for the blonde man.

Jaune approaches the vase with the intent to take a peek inside it before leaving and informing his parents of what he found, The aspiring hunter reached the ancient object and peeked inside its one opening to feel disgusted instantly and the stench was extremely nauseating.


The Vase was filled 2/3s way up with pure undiluted blood, the crimson life liquid looked fresh and has no signs of degrading for however long it was placed her especially since the stench of iron dissipates after a periodic course of time yet this smell remained in the air regardless of how much time this vase was here, far longer then Ansel is certainly and probably the only possibility of its appearance without being known quickly.

Jaune felt incredibly tense in this room as if dozens if not hundreds of invisible eyes were situated on his figure, the blonde man felt incredibly uncomfortable in this room especially since he felt he wasn't alone.

The Blonde Man turned around to get out of the cave and inform his parents about it to see if they knew anything, but Jaune's eyes widened immensely as the door he just previously went through was missing.

Jaune knew it was an illusion since such a thing that shouldn't have been moved disappeared without him noticing, it was getting much creepier for the young man especially since a subconscious like voice that didn't sound human, sounded like a deep demonic voice was heard inside his head with a suggestion, or maybe an order.


Jaune gulped a lump of air trying to rationalize what was happening to him.

Firstly a cave he had never seen before outside of his home had appeared out of nowhere.

Secondly, the warning outside dissuading anyone from entering was chill inducing plus the feeling that the blonde man was being watched added to that warning.

Thirdly, the vase filled with blood was again adding to the fear factor with the mysterious suggestion to drink it.

Lastly, the door that suddenly disappeared meaning no way out.

'Ok, whatever is happening is supernatural…i only hope a grimm isn't doing this for sick kicks before killing me' Jaune thinks before looking at the altar again 'I suppose who ever is controlling this one let me leave until I drink that…ughhh, I hope it isn't poisonous, that would be a really bad way to die'

Jaune reached for the vase then picking up feeling the blood contained swished from inside and surprisingly the heavy vase was lighter than feathers, it was mind boggling to the blonde aspired hero, he lifts up the container and waterfalls the crimson liquid into his voice overloading his mouth with the disgusting taste iron.

The Knight closed his eyes with tears running down his face as his sense taste felt like they were being overwhelmed, the disgusting liquid pouring down his throat not only left behind a horrible aftertaste of MORE iron, how such a thing is possible is beyond Jaune's compression of the world.

However, as the iron drink slid down the man's throat not only left behind the horrible after taste but felt like fire had caught in his throat.

The Knight fell down onto his knees coughing while dropping the pouring vase breaking it completely, pieces of it scattered all over to where some of the sharp edges cut into the blonde knight's flesh as his body convulsed and underwent a coughing fit as if he couldn't breath.

It was painful to him.

Jaune felt his throat was on fire and his body seemingly rejecting whatever the hell he just drank which wasn't bad, no one seemed to feel fine when drinking a pitcher's worth of blood that's been sealed in a hidden cave for oum knows how long.

It wasn't bad until Jaune heard something within his head, demonic sounding but more monotonous as if he was a saint waiting for something.

"So, this is my new host? Hmmm good, very good. Incredibly strong willed and a reservoir of untapped potential, if I didn't know any better. I would've expected you to be related to Hagoromo" the voice boomed within the knight's cranium, so loud that he let go of his throat to cover his head despite still coughing/dying constantly.

The Voice however didn't wait for Jaune to pass whatever had happened to him as it began to speak again "Don't fight child, what is happening to you is your rebirth. For you have drank my blood, the liquid essence of my life is invading your core. Building your chakra networks for you to utilize my power. Breath child. Breath."

As strange as it is, Jaune felt the strange demonic voice comforting which soon as he was able to breath through his sore and abused throat, he slowly breathed in the air as calmly as he could muster up to the point where his bodies unconscious convulsions stopped soon after, Jaune began to settle down completely while laying on his back staring at the stone roof of the Altar Room.

'W-What just happened?…why did I feel like my body was violently fighting something' Jaune thought to himself almost feeling like whatever happened had settled down.

"Your body reacted violently towards me, my blood and in essence; my life, has invaded your body. Congratulations My Host, you have became the second natural Jinchuriki since the time of Hagoromo Otsutsuki" the voice spoke prompting jaune to hastily sit up looking around to see who just spoke.

"Who said that!?" Jaune shouted before groaned as he placed his right hand over his adjacent ear like he had a hangover after binge drinking beer for hours, but more on the fact, his hearing was stronger then it was, the blonde man could hear the water drip from the mouth of the cave yet that was 30 meters away, sure in a cave sounds vibrate and echo but the way jaune is hearing, as if he was directly next to the drip.

"I, Juubi, had spoken." The voice that has introduced himself as 'Juubi' caught jaunes attention as he slowly got up though with extreme difficulty since he felt extreme soreness in his muscles and his bones feel creaky.

"And what the hell is a Juubi? If your a grimm just fucking say so!" Jaune exclaimed before groaning as he forgot his stronger hearing, The voice remained quiet for a time almost thinking that jaune's second 'personality' faded away, it returned with an amusing tone.

"I like you, Hagoromo may be your senior but even he doesn't share your raw potential to handle my power. You may very well ascend to be the new god of your world. And to answer your question, I have no knowledge of what Grimm are nor should I care for the existence of such insects to the likes of us. Now then child. I am Juubi, the Ten Tailed Beast. Who are you?"

Jaune felt sick as he almost dry heaved whatever was left in his stomach, almost felt sick that some monster, a beast it calls itself, was claiming he could be powerful yet having seen a shred of its power so the sickly knight was weary of that fact "J-Jaune…Jaune Arc, short, sweet, ladies…Ugh, I feel sick…"

The unknown creature seemed to chuckle at this "You needn't worry boy, a mere side effect of your rebirth but know this Jaune Arc-Child, you are now the Jinchuriki to the Ten Tails, the strongest chakra creature to ever walk the earth, as soon as you feel better we will begin for you to harness my limitless power"

Jaune perked up a bit at the concept of power, especially the tone the creature spoke, believing it to be extremely powerful, maybe more powerful than huntsman "wait…when do we start training?? I plan on leaving home tonight" Jaune said, which was true as a couple days prior, he received the transcripts he paid for to some guy named Roman Torchwick.

They were immaculate pieces of work. No flaws whatsoever. And to ensure that they were as high quality as the gentlemen thief claimed they were, the aspiring hero tested them into the Valean database to find that they were 'true' meaning that the guy he paid, did some digital work into the system so if Professor Ozpin, current headmaster of beacon, went to check it's legitimacy then it would come up green.

The voice perked up at the notion of leaving his comfort zone but for what reason, the ancient demon did not know so it asked its current host "Leaving? To where? It's far to soon for you to leave your human nest especially since you came into possession of my power this early, you should hold whatever passion you have until you can access the chakra you now possess, your skill right now is completely laughable and your power wouldn't even have a snowballs chance in hell against a Shinobi Kage".

Jaune looked nervous but also blank as this demon didn't think he had the potential to be a huntsmen even if he was being compared to what he would believe to be a superior fighter even with his power "I plan to go to beacon academy to train to be a huntsmen" he exclaimed with an annoyed tone like he was tired of people, or a demon, telling him he wouldn't make it in the field.

"Huntsmen? What is a huntsmen? Some kind of Shinobi?" Juubi asked, though felt highly annoyed that the blonde host was snickering at the supposed demon's ignorance of the new world.

Jaune stopped his internal laughter before starting to think of a proper answer to give the ten tailed beast, unsure of how it would react "a huntsmen, for simple terms, are people who dedicate themselves into defending human and faunus kind. They train to fight against monsters known as Grimm."

The voice of the demon remained silent for the time almost thinking to itself which jaune was glad for as he felt well enough to slowly get up onto his feet, despite the muscle soreness he's experiencing so the emptiness in the blonde mans head was welcoming only to grunt when a snort was heard "So, a Shinobi? Those are the qualities for a Shinobi, however they usually stay tied to one village but I assume your huntsmen don't carry that downside"

Jaune slowly approached the now visible and open iron door to slowly limp out of it while he gripped his sore thighs since it did hurt quite a bit to walk "Kinda? I mean, I heard when a huntsman or a huntress graduates from one of the four hunter academies, they are given a license corresponding where they came from though they typically take jobs from the four kingdoms, it's due to a rule that had started 90 years ago stating that in times of war, huntsmen and huntresses are protectors of light and will not aid any conflict between kingdoms"

"Good idea, that way no Major Village would consolidate too much power if war did break out. Already seen that happen way to many times when idiot humans don't seem to understand having too much power causes other humans to start thinking of the worse case scenario" Juubi says as it has been around long enough to know the stupidity of humanity.

Jaune while trying and slightly failing to walk when he reached the mouth of the cave, leaning onto the caves opening for support before beginning to think as he rested his sore muscles, though he felt the soreness slowly fading which was a soothed blessing.

Jaune began to think of the inner demons speech especially regarding the kingdoms as 'Major Villages' and huntsmen as 'Shinobi' unsure of what either of those meant, Even if the blonde mans eldest sister claimed he had the highest tactical and strategic intelligence out of the entire family during 'Remnant: The Game' Board Game, Jaune knew he wasn't the brightest of students.

The Knight began to walk slowly as he left the cave back into the green wilderness outside of his hometown. The blonde man's curiosity of his new tenant is growing by the minute but didn't know how to approach it with an obvious personal question.

It was until the Ancient Demons suddenly spoke that caused the host to flinch "You're curious, I can feel your chakra…or what's been passively circulating in your network, is fluctuating with unease"

Jaune seemed to tense at this wondering if this demon now had access to his emotional state and wondered if he could feel as well, questions for another day, however with this Demon now attached to him on some spiritual level then it will be best to start learning about it.

"Just somethings on my mind, but I'm curious about you like how old are you?" Jaune asked curiously though wanted to kick himself as he may have sounded a bit rude on that.

The Ancient Demon seemed to have been silent for a time almost like it was thinking and fortunately for Jaune, he used this time to do some thinking of his own as he continued to walk towards Ansel but something caught his eye or rather his mind.

Jaune seemed to be faster than before as he mindlessly continued onto his journey to return home 'When was I this fast? I know I've been jogging for a few months but this is too much speed even when I was walking here, maybe I should ask Juubi about this.'

Jaune's thoughts were interrupted when the demonic voiced his answer to the blonde man's previous question "You can say Jaune-Child, that I, Juubi, have been around a lot longer then your very world has existed. It wouldn't matter how long your world has been around because when I was sealed in Hagoromo Otsutsuki, he with the passive enhancement of my 'Yang Release', he managed to extend his life to a maximum of 300 Years, tripling a humans standard lifespan, he created the Shinobi World during his lifetime and created Ninshu, or after his death, Ninjutsu. But if I had to give an estimate especially determining the natural death of a civilization…I would believe I'm around…4 Million Years Old, possibly more give or take"

Jaune's Eyes nearly popped out of his head as the prospect of his tenant had been around longer then Remnant has existed and if his words were indeed true then this very world wasn't even called Remnant back when this immortal bastard first came into existence however as he continued to walk faster then he did as the soreness has all left his bones and felt better then before.

His body was faster as it has proven so far, his body had felt stronger like he could lift boulders along with the damage to his lungs.

What most didn't know about the blonde who seemed to prefer a more solitude life choice aka training in secret in preparations to submit his application to a huntsmen academy, Jaune looked around the forest as he walked through it as though he felt things from the forest like they were more than just trees or bushes felt…Alive.

If the blonde man didn't know any better, he would've instinctively believed there were millions of people in the trees almost like they were hiding though it was until the voice spoke up explaining what was happening to his natural sensory ability "You've grown more aware of yourself, not physical Child but with energy. You've figured out your ability to sense chakra from not only people but from even the plant life. Do not squander this ability, it is VERY powerful, the ability to sense incoming danger perhaps not from your enemies but feeling the energy from the plants. Feel the energy from them, learn of it."

Jaune closed his eyes as he stopped walking for the moment to follow through the ancient creatures lecture, it was right. He felt the plants and trees around him, this 'Chakra' he seemed to be sensing was extremely calm and relaxing as if they were settled there and growing like any greenery would do.

But in a split second, Jaune's relaxed face soon grew into irritation as he felt the chakra exuded by the trees towards the western section which was on the other side of Ansel to begin shaking or displaying a form of fear, the blonde man didn't know what that meant but figured out it was fear for their lives indicating danger so that meant something was around that section.

"I think I can sense danger at the western sections outside of my village" Jaune said as he grew more serious from that.

"That means your sensory range is quite far, but far enough to which you won't be able to be snuck up on by anyone who has chakra to be sensed, this is good, your body is starting to accept my power" The voice sounded pleased by that.

The Blonde Kid didn't know if he should be glad that the ancient demon was happy with his quick progress to get down on these new and supernatural abilities, or be very afraid of its pleasure for his now growing power.

Juubi felt the boy's sudden fear and did a mental sigh knowing humans barely trust a monster in their body like it did to itself and it's nine parts throughout its life "Child, you needn't worry about me, even if the very world turns against you. Do take comfort in knowing that you'll always have an ally behind you, me, and I can't really harm you in my current state anyways"

Technically it was true for the contained demon which back when he was separated, his nine parts could take control over their containers to cause as much damage before being killed and resurrected since they were beings of pure chakra but in a village away from shinobi authority, the death would be more difficult to come.

Jaune did feel less tense from that though still feeling tense especially since he didn't feel right having an immortal demon in his corner but all in all felt glad that such a monster was willing to ally with him even if the whole world turning against theory did happen.

10 Minutes has passed to which the Blonde Knight reaches one of the larger houses of the whole village especially since the Arc Family was one of the many huntsmen that lives and defends Ansel from bandits and grimm.

Though the arcs however has been around since Ansel had been formed 28 years prior by the blonde man's father, Author Arc, a premier huntsman with a strong record attached to his career and widely revered by the people in town.

But unfortunately the name of Jaune Arc's father had become a sore spot for him since the argument between the two always occur on the same subject, being a huntsmen and a warrior, Jaune believed he was ready to uphold his clan's honor as warriors only to be dismissed claiming that it was to dangerous for him.

So Jaune for the past 3 Months had worked tirelessly to set him up to attend Beacon Academy in the Vale Kingdom, spent 2 and a half months working to get registered along with sending a recent picture to be used as a license with a week prior, his citizens license came to him via mail then received the forged transcripts only days ago so Blonde Jinchuriki was ready to follow through with his dream.

Entering the darkened house with silence, as well as silence for a guy who accidentally tripped over himself and relatively silently smashed into the wall, Jaune looked around trying to see if his little scuffle woke anyone up, it was past 10pm after all.

"In terms of the Shinobi, your family would be killed in this night if they are this heavy of sleepers" the ancient monster gave its thoughts on his slightly loud scuffle into the wall, Jaune while didn't want to agree that his family would be killed but knew a silent assassin would in fact make quick work of them with ease.

"Yeah, sounds about right, these 'Shinobi' are like assassins right?" Jaune asked curiously towards his tenant "Shinobi or in your tongue, 'Ninja's' are known for their expert control of stealth and assassination before they ended up being soldiers who can't hide even if their pathetic lives depended on it" it responded.

Jaune seemed to flinch at knowing that ninja's were meant for stealth rather than open combat but having such fighters in the open, it would severely cut their true strength.

Upon walking into the darkened house trying not to make anymore noise outside of the creaky floorboards which made things more difficult to keep quiet until reaching a white painted door with the Arc Symbol on it, Jaune is incredibly proud of his family and their history which is the primary reason for going through with his dream to uphold his clan's honor and history.

The Blonde Jinchuriki enters the room as silent as he was before turning on the light in said room exposing a somewhat barron room, outside of a neat made bed, a white painted wooden desk and some books on shelves which involved, the history of the four kingdoms, the history of the white fang, extensive grimm biology, geography of remnant and surprisingly; Fairy Tails dating back 300 years ago.

"Quite the books you have, I didn't peg you to be the realist kind" the voice commented which did annoy the blonde man slightly as most people who took a look at him expected him to be a fan of comics and video games, not realizing that he took pride in knowledge, he may not be the sharpest knife but recently, the blonde kid has been sharpening himself non stop with knowledge and discovering a love for history.

"Fuck off you demented beast" Jaune said through gritted teeth and annoyance only to hear the beast in his head laughing, The blonde host turned his attention to his backpack that was next to the desk which was filled with non-perishables and a separate change of clothes outside of the jinchurikis favorite hoodie.

Now was the time, his body having more or less healed whatever happened to him in the cave along with added abilities, now the Jinchuriki's confidence in himself has begun to grow and his desire strengthened.

Jaune went towards the bag, grabbing it and putting it onto his back before reaching towards the sheathed double edged sword 'Crocea Mors' that was on the desk only to have hand stop and twitch when the demonic beast chimed in "Do not bother with the sword Child, it will only hinder you and force you to rely on it like a crutch and so long as we are partners, I will not allow you to rely on things other then my power otherwise it's an insult to me and obviously the lack of trust you have in me"

Jaune's face soon flattened as the creature was indeed right that if he used a weapon then he'd be more inclined to use it rather then utilize him, and frankly a sword sounded less than appealing when the creature inside his body had the ability to sense Aura or 'Chakra' as it called it.

"Alright, are you ready? Because the moment we leave this house. We crossed a line we can't return from" Jaune asked as he looked at the door to his room frowning slightly as he would essentially be leaving his family to achieve his goal.

"Of course Child, I spent too long in that cave and I wish to see this new world that has replaced the Shinobi World" it spoke obviously curious on the world it woke up to which Jaune nodded opening and exiting the door into the darkened hallway clearly intending to become a huntsmen.

Now Juubi the Demon is coming along for the ride.


Alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all! This idea I was thinking about when I was reading into Hagoromo for another story of mine and I thought about it anyway.

Show this story some love, we spent quite some time to bring it to y'all.

Now then, if you doods have ideas for romance then I'm all ears because I'm curious who you would think be a good match for a demon infused Knight.


Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice

Reincarnated and traveling to another world, Eiji Seiya initially thought the world was normal. That was what he thought before he met the heroine and protagonist of the franchise he had watched in his previous life. Not only that, after he awakened the Inner Voice System to grow strong by complaining about plot, heroine and protagonist in his heart to get many rewards. He is determined to increase his power so that he can save his home world, the world where he was reincarnated that was hit by the disaster "Honkai" and save beautiful girls like Kiana, Mai, Bronya, Rita and others who had tragic endings in the original works! "I will save them all!" However... Everything went smoothly... Eiji earned rewards every time he changed the plot in another franchise. It's just that... What's wrong with these heroines? Lala Satalin Deviluke who was supposed to be engaged to the protagonist instead became his fiancée. Sona Sitri suddenly called him to the student council office and said she wanted to make a deal with him. Rias Gremory who was supposed to ask the protagonist for help to solve her political marriage problem with Riser Phenex inexplicably came to him. The girls were disgusted at the protagonists of their respective franchises. Something was wrong here! Not only that, heroines like Kotegawa Yui, Sairenji Haruna, Akeno Himejima, Kuroka, Serafall Leviathan, Grayfia Lucifuge, Sakurajima Mai, Ai Hoshino, Kasumigaoka Utaha and others... They like him! All the super beautiful and sexy women that many men in the world covet surround him and leave their respective protagonists. Grayfia even betrayed her husband. Eiji who saw all this was dumbfounded. At first he was confused as to why these heroines were surrounding him, but gradually he realized and knew that it was all happening because ... His inner voice! - The plot that has been changed by the MC: To Love Ru: 83% Highschool DxD: 82% Shinmai Maou no Testament: 92% Oregairu: 89% Saekano: 84% Oshi no Ko: 100% Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai: 100% Mieruko-chan: 89% Trinity Seven: 38% This is the plot change process of the latest chapter and will change as the story progresses. By the way, the grammar at the beginning is bad and will improve as the chapter progresses. However, my writing style will not change much because this is an inner voice novel, which means that there will be many reactions from each character. Oh and in chapter hundreds there will be a group chat to prevent the loss of interaction between the heroines. It's a special chat group for the heroines in the MC's harem. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · 漫画同人
441 Chs