

Aleron found Cecilia in their bedroom. She was sitting in front of her nightstand, her hair loosely falling on her shoulders as she brushed the snow while hairs with a golden brush. She seemed absent minded, her thoughts taking somewhere else. She was looking at her reflection but at the same time she couldn't see herself. Images of that letter were flashing right before her eyes, like a written curse that was haunting her. 

The queen didn't notice him when he walked in, she didn't hear his footsteps as he approached her and she flinched when she felt his cold palm touch her shoulder. The brush dropped from her hands and Aleron crouched, getting it and finding himself in her eye level. He looked at her with those crystal eyes of his, knowing the torture in her soul. The king placed the brush gently on the floor, standing behind her as he started to braid her long hair. Cecilia didn't complain. 
