

Ever since the accident, she'd had a fear of vehicles and especially anything even remotely resembling a truck. This made it difficult for her to go anywhere outside without having a full-on panic attack, only making it harder to make friends with anyone... After all, who wanted to be friends with the creep scared of cars!?

Her parents didn't seem to care, continuing their busy work schedules while tossing her at some therapists to cure her. While they seemed stricken at Michael's death they hadn't made an effort to change anything about themselves...

Shaking her head, she gets up and limps back to her quiet, empty home... There wasn't anyone to greet her, no one to speak to... She didn't like to watch T.V, and didn't like to play games, so she spent most of her free time either daydreaming or drawing...

"I'll show you..." she grumbles under her breath, quickly sketching a rough picture of Brooklyn falling onto a road as the silhouette of truck approaches in the distance...



Immediately after completing the drawing, her attention is drawn by a sound coming from the living room... Thinking that someone had broken in, she grabs the butter knife she'd used to make a sandwich earlier and rushes into the room... Only to pause as she spots four people on the floor in a pile...

"Ugh, why was this one harder than all the others..." the large-breasted girl with pink hair mutters at the top of the dogpile.

"I don't know, maybe it was you big useless boobs that got in the way?" the younger-looking brown-haired girl below her grumbles.

"Please don't start fighting again, we have rules this time, remember?" the blonde one under them with strangely long ears says.

"How about you guys get the hell off of me first then argue?" the muffled voice of a man under all of them remarks, not seeming all that bothered about his situation...

"W-who are you!? How did you get in my house!?" Lillith suddenly demands, holding her butter knife up 'menacingly' as the group begins climbing off of one another.

"Sorry... We just, er..." the pinkette trails off, not sure how to answer without sounding like a liar of incredibly suspicious. She shakes her head, "You know what, I'm not even going to try to answer that question..."

The short brown-haired girl dramatically thrusts her hand out, "We snuck inside, ninja style!"


"Are you an idiot?" Lillith asks, causing the shorty to blush in embarrassment while the pinkette laughs.

"Hello, I'm Tiffania, we're not here to hurt you so, do you mind putting the knife down?" the blonde elf? kindly asks.


"Yeah Tiff, ask nice enough and she'll drop her guard around random strang-" the man with blue tinted dirty-blonde hair pauses as he looks at Lillith.

She pauses too, feeling an almost violent sense of Deja vu hit her, almost causing her to drop the butter knife...

"Lillith?" he cautiously asks, causing her eyes to widen and shimmer with moisture.

"Big bro?"

"Lillith!" he laughs and opens his arms just in time to catch the blonde bullet that leaps into his arms.

"BIIGGGG BRRROOOOO!!!?????" she loudly squeals, feeling as if she were in a dream and or losing her mind... This simply wasn't possible! Regardless, she couldn't hold herself back though, even if her mind was foolish her, she wanted to revel in this feeling for even a moment longer...


Michael hugs the girl to his chest and takes a seat on a nearby couch with a wide smile on his face, "I'm here Lillith..."

"Big bro... I thought you died!" she tearfully exclaims. "That truck hit you right in front of me! They never found your body!..."

He pats her back, "Well I'm here now... Unless I'm a ghost!"

"D-don't joke like that! Never joke like that!" she angrily scolds him, not wanting to even entertain the idea... To be honest, him being a ghost was pretty plausible in her mind right now...

"Alright, alright..." he says and waits for a minute or so before finally deciding to introduce everyone. "Lillith, these are my friends, Tiffania, Megumin, and Saya... Can you guys actually understand us or are the spells not working?" he asks, he'd learned a translation spell from Rubick for this specific occasion.

"No we understand you perfectly. It's nice to meet you mini-female-Michael." Saya greets Lillith with a smile.

"Why's your hair pink...? Did you dye it?"

"Is pink hair not natural here?" Saya inquires with a raised brow.

"No... That's weird... Oh, are you cosplayers? Big bro has blue-tipped hair, you have pink, you have long ears and you..." she looks to Megumin, "Erm...?"

Megumin arrogantly sniffs, "Hmph! I am Megumin! No mere cosplayer but Arch-Wiz-Ouch!"

"Calm down and act like a normal person for once... How come you stopped being like this while we were in the Crimson Demon village? Did you realise how weird it was?" Saya asks after chopping her head.

"... No?"

Lillith giggles at their interactions, finding it almost skit-like, "You're all funny... Bro, which one do you like?" she mischievously asks.

"Actually, I'm dating Tiff there." he smirks, "For, obvious reasons..."

"Weirdo." Lillith mutters.

"Pervert.""Ecchi." Saya and Megumin both add.

"What? I meant her big, perfect. Personality." Michael retorts as he pulls Tiffania to his side on the couch and hugs her close.

"N-not in front of everyone, M-Michael!" Tiffania moans as she playfully slaps him on his shoulder.

"Ah, alright then... You guys, leave me and Tiff alone for a bit." he jokes and Tiffania pouts in response, which the group chuckles at.

"So... Mum and Dad not around then?" he asks after taking a look around the new apartment his family apparently lives in now.

Lillith's expression sours, "No."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts