
Sound Rejection

The group quickly returns to Michael and Tiffania's temporary campsite, their expedients encouraged by Charlotte's mother due to her erratic behaviour and occasional attempt to actually jump off of Slyphid's back to 'escape capture'...

Michael hadn't actually realised her illness was so bad, expecting her to just be a little loopy with some sort of dementia, but no, this was like full-blown psychosis or something. Charlotte, noticing Michael's pitying glances gives him a sad nod, "The poison given to my mother was designed to kill instantly, but she only took a small dose when she stole my drink..." she gestures at the doll in her mother's arms, "That was my doll, I called it Tabitha... Mother thinks it's me." she solemnly says.

"So you took on the name Tabitha... Why...?" he questions, not really comprehending the decision.

Charlotte's shoulders twitch apathetically in a low-effort shrug, "Spite? Mourning?... I could not use my own name around my mother, she would become hysterical, her mind would slip further..."


Michael couldn't really empathize with Charlotte, his relationship with his own mother was less than stellar so he didn't know how he would react if a similar situation cropped up for himself. If it was his sister however...? His chest burned at the thought, "Don't worry, soon as Tiffania learns the spell, we'll be outta here and getting your Mum some help." he says, finding his hand unconsciously patting the girl's head... Was it because she was the same height as his sister, or...?

Regardless, Charlotte just shrugs off his hand and determinately nods, "We will heal her. We must." she affirms.


The group glide down to the clearing and spot a certain Half-Elf practising with her Teleportation Gates, creating smaller ones, ones in mid-air, even one inside a tree... It's the latter one which is active when they finally land in the clearing however, surprising Tiffania who squeaks and accidentally cancels her spell.

"Eeep!* she yelps, her eyes darting to the group before going back to her Teleportal Gate that'd started rapidly closing. It shuts with a *thwoom!*, at first leaving things as they were... But the slow *creeeeeeeeek!* eventually translates into the tree sliding apart, revealing an incredibly clean and smooth cut running through where the Teleportation Gate had been.

Witnessing this, Michael's eyes widen as a grin marks his face, seems like 'spatial severing' or however you were supposed to call it was doable... If incredibly unwieldy, after all, it took Tiffania a good amount of time to actually open a Teleportation Gate, plus its position was set as soon as she begins to cast.

He shakes his head, deciding to broach the topic once they were out of the world. Maybe they could devise a spell that'd act like a spatial wind blade or something... But that's for the future. "We're back, Tiff! Everything good around here while I was gone?"

Tiffania nods after recollecting herself, "Yes!" she chirps before looking to their guests, "Miss Charlotte, Illococoo! I'm happy you're here! I was worried that you might get caught up in something." she says with a smile.

Charlotte returns the nods, levitating her mother from Illococoo's back and allowing her to change into her human form. The dragon girl hops over while pointing erratically at the bisected tree, complimenting the elf for how 'cool' it was.

Michael turns to Charlotte, "We'll have your mother rest in the tent, we'll probably have to move soon though, Gallia has almost taken the nearby fort and will probably begin to survey the area around Tristania."

Charlotte squints in anger at the mention of Gallia but doesn't say anything in response, instead attending to her mother who was slowly beginning to descend into a raving rage at being levitated.


Matilda scowls as she kneels over a high tree branch overlooking an isolated cabin in the forest. The thing was only half constructed though, missing a proper roof which was instead just many bundles of leaves packed with dirt to keep the rain out.

The cabin had been discovered while scouts were searching for the False-Familiar, and she had been sent as soon as they discovered who was inhabiting it. Indeed, she instantly accepted such a task after her recent miserable failure.

Getting the shit kicked out of her would have been fine, Michael getting his revenge against her for leaving him to die, sure she was a little angry... But to be turned into a chicken and punted around the room as if it were sport!? She was fucking pissed off! And that bastard would pay for humiliating her to such a degree!

She shakes her head, focussing on the cabin and nodding at the nearby Tristain soldiers that'd been sent to accompany her. She drops from the tree and slowly approaches the cabin, stopping a good distance away when the makeshift wooden door opens, revealing a worn down-looking Ralf Kaliker, wearing warm leather clothes and lacking his typical armour. The only thing that could identify him as a warrior would be his firm build and the sword-wand hanging at his waist.

Ralf locks eyes with her for a moment before glancing around, quickly noting the missing birds and other creature's that'd usually be around here. He lets out a sigh and shakes his head in exasperation, "What do you want?"

Matilda smiles and bows slightly, "I am Matilda, and I represent her Majesty, Princess Henrietta. She wishes to extend a formal invitation to you to visit her at her palace." she says with a forced smile.

"No." Ralf states as he shuts his door in her face, leaving her awkwardly standing there in mild confusion...

Matilda scowls when the surprise wears off and marches towards the door, knocking on it a good couple of times so the man wouldn't be able to ignore her.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :




Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts