
Unbound Familiar

作者: Niggross
已完結 · 5.4M 流覽
  • 713 章
  • 3.0
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  • NO.200+

An avid gamer nerd's dreams come true in another brutal yet lucky? fashion. Follow him as he does his best not to die in laughably humiliating ways, all while trying to escape his abrupt and unwanted servitude. Will his knowledge of the world he finds himself help him succeed? Will he return home? Will evolve past his title of 'Dog'? Read and find out! This will be another multiversal world-hopping story, similar to my other one, EBW. I'll not spoil the surprise of the first world, but Skyrim will eventually be involved... And no, I'll not be adhering to plot, instead destroying it and hopefully not butchering the original story in the process. Feel free to join my Discord : https://discord.gg/EJxRKkwtDm Also, if you enjoy my stories, want to read ahead, and or support me. Take a look at my Patreon : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, I've 'borrowed' the picture from : greenmapple17, on Deviant Art.

7 標籤
Chapter 1Civilized Tragedy

In the middle of London, on the sixth floor of an apartment complex, a fifteen-year-old teenager named Michael Hunt was glowering over his shoulder at his younger sister. They were in his room, and he was trying to concentrate on the game he was playing, Dota 2. But was unable to due to his sister watching a children's show on max volume behind him.

Michael was usually forced to keep his little sister company, as his parents were usually working. Even the smallest properties in London having astronomical prices. They did feel bad of course, most of the time buying him game systems, clothes, and other luxuries to make up for it, but Michael couldn't help but resent them... Not only for being absent in most of his life, but also his sister's.

"Lillith, can you please go into another room? Or at least turn it down?" he asks, but can barely be heard over the racket the T.V was producing. He sighs and shakes his head, deciding just to concentrate on his game...

Dota 2 was one place he managed to find solace in his relatively lonely life. In school, he was generally bullied for his small stature and name... Mike being a shortened version of Michael... Obviously, 'Mike Hunt' was an incredibly easy name to pick on... Combined with his frail physique, and he became the butt of everyone's jokes.

There wasn't much he could do about it either, as even the teachers liked to take potshots at him. The reason for this was mainly his parent's attitude, or lack thereof... Not being able to come whenever they were called on to solve an issue, such as Michael getting into a fight, or losing his school equipment after it got stolen.

The bullies even took advantage of Michael's situation, stealing clothes and other things his parents buy for him while threatening violence if he resists. Even when he tried to complain about it, everyone just put it off as 'playground fights', and other similarly inane things.

His treatment made it incredibly hard to form friendships with anyone, as they generally wanted to avoid the wrath of the bullies that continually hounded him...

Soon enough, he eventually began to just accept it all. Instead, channelling his anger and other hard feelings into his games. Dota 2 in particular...

*RAMPAGE!* the game exclaims, as he and his team get trapped in the enemy Enigma's blackhole, essentially guaranteeing a full team wipe and lost MMR (Match Making Ranking).

Michael hisses in anger and slams his fists onto his desk, causing his mouse and keyboard to jump momentarily. He activates his microphone and leans into it, glaring daggers at the minute-long death timers, "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! DIDN'T I SAY TO SPREAD OUT!? WE COULD LITERALLY SEE THE ENIGMA GETTING READY TO BLINK ON US WITH THE OBSERVER WARD, FOR FUCK SAKE!" he shouts, causing his sister behind him to squint a the relatively common diatribe her brother often gave.

In response to his rant, his teammates all began mocking him,

"Cyka Blyat! You is shit lol!" the 'SUPPORT' Sniper quickly retorts.

"Who are you to talk? You stand in the centre twiddling thumbs noob!" the incredibly under farmed safelane(ADC) Morphling bites back, while the other now idle players either sit back and watch the fight, or leave and go do something else while the enemy destroys their base.


His anger at this point was reaching its peak, and he was moments away from putting his fist through his screen, only for the T.V behind him to abruptly flicker and turn onto the news channel.

"Police are still being investigated for the accidental death of Reima Ludvig, who was run over during a police chase of currently unknown Moped Robbers! We now have the Mayor Sadiq Khan here to speak about the tragic incident."

The camera pans over to show the mayor in all his glory, standing there with a solemn expression on his face. "Well, first I'd like to give my sincerest apologies to Mr Ludvig's friends and families for the tragic event that occurred days ago. And I promise, the officers responsible for his death will be brought to justice... But, I would also like to remind everyone, that London is one of the safest places on Earth, and you shouldn't be worried about fluke disasters like this one." he says.

The camera cuts back to the news lady who taps her papers and begins the next segment, "Continuing on the subject of tragedies, a young man has perished in a freak accident, apparently overdosing on energy drinks. His parents have requested for his name to be left out, but we decided to report it anyway... Investigation on what truly caused Leonard Walsh's death is still ongoing, but the company who produces the energy drinks involved have already made their statement... *Ahem*... 'This is not our fault, we take no responsibility for Mr Walsh's death and our lawyers are already ready to dispute such claims... Thank you.'... Well, at least Mr Walsh will be remembered for something at least." the news lady states in a dull tone before continuing.

Michael continues to argue with his teammates even after the game ends, getting a headache in the meantime either due to the sheer rage he was experiencing, or the loud T.V behind him.

"Big bro! I can't change the channel back, and it was just getting to the best part!" Lillith calls out behind him, making a vein in his forehead throb even further.


Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

A man is reincarnated in the Mass Effect Universe. At first, he was kinda scared about the possibility of dying to the Reapers, or other dangers across the huge galaxy. But, he persevered and, after making friends with Shepard and the crew, won the final battle. He was happy and thrilled about the possibilities of his new life after the war. But, on the day he turned 28 years old, he returned back in time, to when he was a baby. He was confused and mortified by the weird situation, but, our MC didn't let that shake his confidence. So, he tackled the plot of the game once more. But, again, after he turned 28, he returned in time. He finally had to admit to himself he was trapped in some sort of time loop but decided to continue ahead with his life(s). The problem was, this didn't happen just once. 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times... 9 times. It slowly changed him, to the point he lost the will to try after a few cycles. He realized what he was doing was meaningless, because no matter what he did, the changes he made, nothing mattered, as he would be thrown back in time anyway. So, he deviated from the plot and started to study a variety of things and he didn't care about the fate of the galaxy anymore. In those subsequent loops, he managed to become a master/expert in a lot of things, but the time loop never changed, and the MC started to lose hope of living a normal life. But, after the 9 loop, he felt something different from the other cycles! Perhaps this is his final one? Follow along and watch our MC conquer the whole galaxy, fighting the dangers inside it, and possibly getting a few girls along the way! --- Release schedule: 3 chapters a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday), as long as I have enough chapters in stock. Otherwise, 2 chapters per week (Wednesday and Saturday) Minimum of 1,500 words per chapter --- I do not own any of the characters I found the Image on the internet Also posted on RR and SH --- This is a fanfic written by a newbie, so there will be various grammar errors scattered across it. So please, bear with me!

Pop0 · 游戏衍生
93 Chs

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

A man who used to review novels dies in an elevator accident and is sent to the world of Teyvat [Genshin Impact] to live his life the way he wants. What will happen when an unknown being like him enters the world of Teyvat? Will the Archons hunt him, or will he hunt them instead? *** Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters. My only character is the main OC Yomite Hissha. Covers are also used randomly either from other artists or drawn by myself. So the credit goes to them. My discord server: https://discord.gg/qpDTvSj3TC Please support my Patreon for more releases and faster upload. If it goes well I am thinking of quitting my job and focus fully on writing. That would be nice as my job is really annoying. https://patreon.com/StickSwinger This story is my first wish fulfillment. It will be a little different from Genshin Impact's story, since the game is updated so often and things are added or changed. Currently it's patch 2.3 and I have been playing the game since it came out. So I am following the story closely, but... It will not always be the same story. I'll do my best to get as close to the original as possible with my writing skills. I will primarily focus on adding new things as well. The romance will be slow, but we will get there. Smut is out around chapters 120, mostly to develop romance before going into it. Harem will be expanding, but at a decent rate... I want to develop the characters first before I undergo another harem expansion.

Stick_Swinger · 游戏衍生
360 Chs
1 :Zero Chance of Survival
2 :Skies the Rimits...?
3 :Schooling Death
4 :Settling In
5 :Diamonds in the Argus
6 :New Moon
7 :Catching Up
8 :New Old Threats
9 :Hop-Scotch
10 :Battle for the Right, Good, and Legitimacy