
Arrived To Lu Clan

"I-" Wu Yin didn't know what to say, she was going with them? But…

"There is no need to think much about it mother-in-law, this place is no good for you," Lu Feng said to her. 

Wu Yin was silent for some time and nodded, they were 100% true, this was no good place for her, leaving with them would be better than living here. 

"Nice" Lu Feng and Hou Qiong nodded and they went for a bath. 

After the bath, they wore good robes and entered a big hall where all the old monsters were in 

"Mother," Lu Feng said his mother was talking to some old men and called her. 

"What?" she looked at him and asked, but he hesitated to ask her, and she noticed that and both of them left the room. 

"What is it, son?" she asked him after seeing no one was around 

"Our house is not that big… where will they stay?" he asked her in a low voice too, 

Dong Hao Shu looked at him, there was no reaction in her eyes.
