
Chapter 14: A saiyan named Toma Part 1

Arrot: to think I was sent to this planet to destroy it yet here it is the first planet in my empire.

Rin: too soon to call it an Empire even tho if you were on earth it could be considered an empire but in this current world it is but a planet not yet enough to be an empire, But you are correct this is an achievement think of the stories of how the great emperor took his first planet at the merger age of 3.

Arrot: Saiyans do that all the time nothing impressive. (trying to be humble)

Rin: true but those planets usually end up with no inhabitants left and are then sold for profit to another this one is a direct vessel planet.

Arrot: I guess I am amazing huh? (felling pride)

Rin: Not really (doesn't care about his pride)

Arrot: ow ( pride crushed)

Rin: but you'll get there someday (trying to be encouraging)

Arrot: OF COURSE I WILL HAHAHA (encouraged)

Arrot: your right Frieza should have over 300 planets under his control before Namak correct?

Rin: That is correct this is when the Frieza force is at its strongest after the genocide of the Saiyans planetary subjugation greatly decreased as it was a huge blow to his military strength

Arrot: "Doesn't surprise me, little bastard, it's a wonder his empire is still functional after his father passed the reigns to him speaking of passing on the reins what about cooler where is the bastard?

Rin: cooler is currently on the other side of the galaxy a great distance away from Frieza Territory

Arrot: well seems like cooler is a part of this universe does this mean he is cannon or we are both not cannon right hehe


Rin: "your pitiful attempt at a joke is enough evidence to show why you lacked friends in your previous life".

Arrot: ouch now that one there was a violation

Rin: hehehe

Arrot: Did you just laugh??

Rin: no it was this video on Space-tube

Arrot was about to dispute this when a screen playing a video appeared in the front mind of an alien with purple skin and reptilian eyes dancing on the ice at first Arrot wanted to ignore it but then he was dragged further and further into the depths of the Space-tube.

Rin: "That should keep him busy for the next three hours "

(On planet Bonito)

The city was illuminated by a bright full moon high in the sky

Dead bodies were scattered throughout what seemed to be the ruins of a city devises that looked like tanks and helicopters were burning some with bodies of a humanoid species with yellow skin and black hair some were still running away from an explosion whilst others that seemed to be soldiers here figuring an endless barrage of bullets at what seemed to be a giant ape.

The bullets seemed to have little to no effect on it but the missiles seemed to do a better job at slowing it down but it kept on advancing, either way, they were forced to flee as it raised its foot a smashed a missile launcher which exploded and as if things could not get worse for the Boniten soldiers the great ape opened its large mouth exposing rows of massive teeth then shot a massive blast at the missile launchers having them erupt in flames catching the soldiers as they tried to flee to some devices but to no avail as they too erupted into flames killing many of the soldiers.

The great ape roared and charged at the soldiers it smashed into buildings crushing everything and every one man, woman, a child with absolutely no regard for any life for hours the creature continues to rampage through a damaged city hunting down any survivors it stood up high beating its chest like a drum when suddenly something flew over its head at a great speed

This caught the beast's attention as it moved towards where the object had landed as it got close it heard a strange sound coming from the inside of the object as it opened reviling a small creature Moving its head to the sound this was Arrot enjoying some alien music he recently dissevered he looked up to see an Ozaruu staring at him although surprising what most surprised him was how it was already near him he hoped not to attract its attention until morning where Toma would be saner well sane as far as Saiyans go but to meet yer whilst she was in this state would be troublesome

The two creatures looked at each other for a time until Toma who was a great ape swung her massive fist down at Arrot who quickly grabbed his space pod then leaped into the sky and started floating above the wreckage of the city Toma glared at him with hateful eyes as she tried to grab him.

Arrot: well well well the great ape isn't big enough huh hehe

He tried to taunt her by flying lower only to fly higher as she tried to cache him

Rin: I don't think it's wise to taunt a great ape Arrot.

Arrot: oh come on it's not like she can fly...Right?

As if on cue or as some joke did by some inpatient being to punish Arrot for his carelessness Toma began to float in her great ape form just behind Arrot who looked up at her in disbelief

Arrot: You would think I would remember Great apes could fly considering I can do it too but nope just head to taunt the Great ape huh.


Before Arrot could react he was slapped out of the sky crashing into a burning skyscraper then crumbled to the ground upon impact before he could even recover Toma sent a mouth beam straight at his location exploding on impact Arrot slowly crawled out of the rubble with fresh wounds and coughing up some blood he tried to catch his breath

HUFF HUFF PANT PANT Arrot never expected Toma to be that powerful


Rin: I believe that was Toma smacking the stupidity out of you


Arrot voice was ruff and filled with rage

Rin: her current power level is 6500

Arrot growled and began to charge his ki to the maximum

Rin: Seem's he's a little angry, ill just wait till his little tantrum is over.

Arrot activated Ikea his eyes became yellow as he roared in rage he didn't bother to try to suppress his savage nature kicking the earth behind him he then charged at Toma at full speed who did the same they clashed.


Their clash sent shock waves throughout the planet-destroying cities and created hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis the remaining inhabitants of the planet which were nearly even 5 million began to dwindle due to the unexpected natural dwindling they tried their best to run but the disasters caught them killing thousands in the process.

Many prayed to the heavens for mercy others cursed them for their misfortune some even accepted their fate and embraced death. There were those tho that refused to accept that it was their end and continued to fight on even if it was futile they wanted to survive above all else and they fought so they could live.

Back with Arrot and Toma, Toma was knocked out completely in her great ape state she had clashed with Arrot whose power level was 50000 in Ikea state he had managed to lower his primal instincts just enough so he had enough reason not to kill her, after all, it would have been counterproductive to kill her when his goal was to save her.

Arrot then told Rin to scan the planet and frowned when he thought about how he would take control of this planet it should be easy at this point with how much destruction there was they would have to surrender although Toma was the one who killed many of the planet's inhabitants he defeated her so this planet was his reward at least that's how he saw it right of conquest and all that the planet with ought his possible subjects would mean he could sell it or move the taccoon here to inhabit it since they already had loyalty to him.

After a few seconds, the scouter in his head rang and he was presented with how many Bonitens were left there were approximately 880,000 Boniten left on the planet.

Arrot: Not too bad we can work with what we've got but better act quick before Toma wakes up

Arrot then flew to the remaining Bonita

(Author word)

So hey there space cowboys how are you just decided to post this early might be another soon it's been getting tough finding time to write this it's been eating into my study time only just a little bit tho but here is a chappy remember to let me know on things I could improve on bye.

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